
来源 :黑龙江史志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjb5000a
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第一章 总则 第一条 本会名称为当代黑龙江史学会,简称省国史学会。 第二条 本学会业务主管部门是黑龙江省地方志编纂委员会。是当代中国史学会的团体会员,又是黑龙江省社会科学联合会的团体会员。 第三条 本学会是以探讨中华人民共和国史理论,交流国史学术研究成果,开展国情调查、研究,促进当代黑龙江简史和当代黑龙江地方简史丛书编纂工作为宗旨的群众性学术团体。 第四条 本学会在省委、省政府领导下工作,坚持“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的方针,实行民主平等的原则,发扬实事求是的学风。 第五条 本学会努力宣传社会主义与爱国主义思想,维护中华人民共和国的利益和荣誉,维护国家统一和各民族的统一,维护省内各方面的团结和协作。 第二章 任务 第六条 在马克思主义的指导下,以科学的态度研究和撰写黑龙江地区在中国共产党的领导下,建国以来进行社会主义革命和建设的历史。以真实、确凿、生动、具体的历史事实,提供一种具有科学性和说服力的社会主义和爱国主义的教材。 第七条 广泛地团结我省从事国史调查、研究、编纂、教学、出版等方面的工作人员,培养有志于国史编写和研究的人员,以扩大国史工作的队伍。 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 The name of this Society is the Contemporary Heilongjiang Historical Society, referred to as the Provincial History Association for short. Article 2 The business department of this society is the Heilongjiang Provincial Local Records Compilation Committee. Is a contemporary Chinese history of the group members, but also the Heilongjiang Federation of Social Sciences group members. Article 3 The Society is a mass academic community with the purpose of exploring the theory of the history of the People’s Republic of China, exchanging the academic achievements of the national history, carrying out the investigation of the national conditions, studying and promoting the brief history books of contemporary Heilongjiang and the local history books of contemporary Heilongjiang. Article 4 The Institute shall work under the leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government and adhere to the principle of “letting all flowers bloom into the hundred schools of thought”, implement the principle of democratic equality, and promote the study style of seeking truth from facts. Article 5 The Institute endeavors to promote the ideas of socialism and patriotism, safeguard the interests and honor of the People’s Republic of China, safeguard the unification of the country and the unity of all ethnic groups, and safeguard the unity and cooperation of all parties in the province. Chapter Two: Tasks Article Six: Under the guidance of Marxism, study and write a history of the socialist revolution and construction in Heilongjiang Province under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party since the founding of the People’s Republic of China under the guidance of Marxism. With a true, conclusive, vivid, concrete historical facts, provide a scientific and convincing socialist and patriotic teaching materials. Article 7 The staff of the province engaged in the investigation, research, compilation, teaching, publishing and other aspects of the history of the country shall be extensively unite, and the personnel who wish to write and study the history of the country should be nurtured to expand the ranks of the work of the history of the country.
国务院总理朱镕基9月20日主持召开国务院第31次常务会议,会议审议并通过了《中华人民共和国电信条例(草案)》。 会议认为,改革开放以来,作为信息传输重要手段的我国电信事业
最新的抽样流行病学调查研究资料表明,我国40岁以上人群慢性阻塞性肺病(chronicobstructivepulmonarydis ease,COPD)的患病率为8.2%[1]。由于本病呈慢性进展,最终导致呼吸衰
二季度以来,峨眉山双龙光通信分别和四川联通、重庆联通、贵州联通和湖北联通等4个公司签署了GSM通信工程光缆供货合同,供光缆合计3620 皮长公里。该公司根据光缆市场变化,积极进行市场