Perceived infection transmission routes,infection control practices,psychosocial changes,and managem

来源 :军事医学研究(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zq09171
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Background:Many healthcare workers were infected by coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)early in the epidemic posing a big challenge for epidemic control.Hence,this study aims to explore perceived infection routes,influencing factors,psychosocial changes,and management procedures for COVID-19 infected healthcare workers.Methods:This is a cross-sectional,single hospital-based study.We recruited all 105 confirmed COVID-19 healthcare workers in the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University from February 15 to 29,2020.All participants completed a validated questionnaire.Electronic consent was obtained from all participants.Perceived causes of infection,infectior prevention,control knowledge and behaviour,psychological changes,symptoms and treatment were measured.Results:Finally,103 professional staff with COVID-19 finished the questionnaire and was included(response rate:98.1%).Of them,87 cases(84.5%)thought they were infected in working environment in hospital,one(1.0%)thought their infection was due to the laboratory environment,and 5(4.9%)thought they were infected in daily life or community environment.Swab of throat collection and physical examination were the procedures perceived as most likely causing their infection by nurses and doctors respectively.Forty-three(41.8%)thought their infection was related to protective equipment,utilization of common equipment(masks and gloves).The top three first symptoms displayed before diagnosis were fever(41.8%),lethargy(33.0%)and muscle aches(30.1%).After diagnosis,88.3%staff experienced psychological stress or emotional changes during their isolation period,only 11.7%had almost no emotional changes.Arbidol(Umifenovir;an anti-influza drug;69.2%)was the drug most commonly used to target infection in mild and moderate symptoms.Conclusion:The main perceived mode of transmission was not maintaining protection when working at a close distance and having intimate contact with infected cases.Positive psychological intervention is necessary.
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眼下已经到了春天,可是我国北方不少市民家中仍然存留着酸菜、白菜、萝卜、土豆等过冬蔬菜。医生提醒,气温回升后,这些蔬菜的内部会发生变化,对人体健康不利的物质含量可能会增加,所以春季食用过冬蔬菜一定要谨慎。  据内蒙古赤峰医学院附属医院孙克敏主任介绍,很多市民都知道没腌透的酸菜吃了会中毒,其实久腌的酸菜也会引起中毒。酸菜经过一个冬天的储存和随着春季气温的升高,亚硝酸盐的含量会增加,一次性食用过多的酸菜
[摘要]配电线路在电力供应系统中是一项重要的组成部分,而继电保护功能则是维护电力系统正常运行的安全保障装置。随着科学技术的发展,变电站越来越趋于自动化,这就要求在自动化变电站运行中继电保护装置能够稳定、安全、有效的起到保护作用,避免自动化变电站频发事故,保障电力系统稳定、安全运行,提升变电站功能效益和经济效益,促进现代化电力系统的稳定发展。  [关键词]继电保护;自动化变电站;运行管理模式  继电
五月正是外出踏青的好时节。专家建议:外出旅游,不妨带上巧克力。因为巧克力不仅带给你香醇口感,还会给你旅途中意想不到的关怀。 May is a good time to go out and step o
摘要:美育贯穿于教育教学的各个环节,用组织教学的艺术美作用于学生,用英语这一门语言的内在美去感染学生,提高学生的学习兴趣,把学生的学习热情激发出来。以美求真、以美激情、以美育人,如润物之春雨,让学生在不断的学习中逐渐成长为德才兼备的高素质人才。  关键词:英语;美育渗透  伟大的教育家苏霍姆林斯基说:“美是一种心灵的体操,它使我们精神正直、良心纯洁、情感和信念端正。”由此,笔者联想到英语教学,如果