目的分析杭州市西湖区首例输入性卵形疟病例诊疗过程。方法收集病例资料和流行病学资料,采集患者抗凝血样,结合镜检和巢式PCR检测结果确诊后规范治疗。结果该患者曾在非洲尼日利亚务工6年,有疟疾发作史,回国后30 d出现发热等症状,经外周血涂片镜检和PCR检测诊断为卵形疟,随后给予磷酸氯喹片3 d加磷酸伯氨喹片8 d疗法治疗后,患者痊愈。结论根据镜检和PCR检测结果,确诊该病例为卵形疟原虫感染。
Objective To analyze the diagnosis and treatment of the first case of imported ovipositive malaria in Xihu District of Hangzhou City. Methods Collecting case data and epidemiological data, collecting anticoagulant blood samples of patients, combining with microscopic examination and nested PCR test results to confirm the standard treatment. Results The patient worked in Nigeria in Nigeria for 6 years and had a history of malaria. After returning to China, fever and other symptoms occurred on the 30th day after treatment. Oviduct malaria was diagnosed by peripheral blood smear microscopy and PCR, and then treated with chloroquine phosphate tablets for 3 days. Primaquine tablets 8 d therapy, the patient recovered. Conclusion According to the results of microscopic examination and PCR, the case was confirmed as Plasmodium ovale infection.