弘扬“马上就办”传统 打造最优发展环境——访福建省委常委、福州市委书记杨岳

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上世纪90年代初,福州市委在全市倡导“马上就办”的工作作风,对提升机关工作效率提出明确要求。20多年来,历届福州市委、市政府大力弘扬这一优良传统,强化服务理念,创新服务举措,努力营造优质、便捷、高效的政务环境。特别是近年来,福州市坚持“敢为、能为、有为”的要求,以积极主动的态度、开拓进取的精神、雷厉风 In the early 90s of last century, Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee advocated “do it right away ” work style in the whole city, put forward the clear request to raise the working efficiency of the organ. For more than 20 years, all previous Fuzhou municipal Party committees and municipal governments have vigorously carried forward this fine tradition, strengthened their service concepts, innovated service initiatives and worked hard to create a high-quality, convenient and efficient administrative environment. Especially in recent years, Fuzhou adhere to the “dare, can, promising” requirements, with a proactive attitude, pioneering spirit, resolutely
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