Effect of Orthogonal Stiffeners on the Stability of Axially Compressed Steel Jacking Pipe

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kmyzkmyz
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Load conditions for steel pipe-jacking are complex during the construction stage. The stability of steel jacking pipe has been an increasingly important problem as jacking forces, pipe diameters and jacking distances increase. However, there are no standards for pipe reinforcement, for prevention of buckling, or for remedying pipe that buckles when being jacked axially. Past experience suggests that stiffeners can effectively reinforce the structure. This study analyzes the effect of different stiffeners on the stability of steel jacking pipe under axial compression using finite element analysis. The results suggest that the stability of steel jacking pipe can be significantly improved by using orthogonal stiffeners, in terms of engineering costs and construction space inside the pipe. Based on current engineering practice, the application of orthogonal stiffeners is discussed. This study provides a useful reference for the design and construction of steel jacking pipe. The stability of steel jacking pipe has been an important important problem as jacking forces, pipe diameters and jacking distances increase. However, there are no standards for pipe reinforcement, for prevention of buckling, or for remedying pipe that buckles when being being jacked axially. Past study suggests that stiffeners can be jacked axial. The results suggest that stiffeners can be reinforced by jacking pipe that the stability of steel jacking pipe can be significantly significantly by using orthogonal stiffeners, in terms of engineering costs and construction space inside the pipe. Based on current engineering practice, the application of orthogonal stiffeners is discussed. design and construction of steel jacking pipe.
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