1.学生背景因素 体育教学方法与其它学科教学法一样,强调因材施教。普通工科院校女生大致分为两个群体。一部分女生是来自城市,这一群体好奇心强,对新鲜事物易产生兴趣,她们思维敏捷,活泼好动,但克服困难的品质弱,不愿意参加剧烈或难度较大的活动,更不愿意在活动中受太多的约束;另一部分女生则来源于贫困山区和农村,他们大都文化课成绩很好,愿意接触新生事物,吃苦耐劳,对于教师的教学内容深刻领会,刻苦训练,内心也非常渴望改变自己的运动项目及技能的落后,但她们一般自尊心和自卑感强,对自
1. Student background factors Physical education methods and other disciplines, teaching methods, emphasize teaching students according to their aptitude. Girls in general engineering colleges are broadly divided into two groups. Part of the girls come from the cities. This group is very curious and has an interest in new things. They are agile and lively, but they are weak in their ability to overcome difficulties and are reluctant to participate in violent or difficult activities, Activities are subject to too much restraint; the other part of the girls are from poor mountainous areas and rural areas, most of them good grades in culture classes, willing to contact new things, hard-working, deep understanding of the teaching content of teachers, hard training, the heart is also very eager Change their own sports and skills backward, but they are generally strong sense of self-esteem and inferiority, right