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为解决城市化带来的城市缺水与城市雨水灾害问题,我国提出了海绵城市建设理念。随着对海绵城市建设理念研究的不断深入,发现两处应转变的观点:一是规划引领原则面临着要统筹多种规划,不利于统一要求,针对此,文章提出“生态引领,多规融合”的海绵城市规划理念;二是以往的海绵城市建设往往是以街区、社区或者城市规划区为规划建设对象,不具备系统性与整体性,针对此,文章提出“建设以小流域为控制单元”的海绵城市规划理念。 In order to solve the problem of urban water shortage and urban rain disaster caused by urbanization, China proposes the concept of sponge city construction. With the deepening of the research on the concept of sponge city construction, I found two points that should be changed: First, the principle of planning lead to the need to co-ordinate a variety of planning is not conducive to uniform requirements, in response to this, the article proposed Integration “sponge city planning concept; Second, the past sponge city construction is often based on neighborhoods, communities or urban planning area for the planning and construction of objects, do not have the system and integrity, in response to this, the article proposed For the control unit ”sponge city planning concept.
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