
来源 :农业机械学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuiqianzeqing
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以机械通风式笼养蛋鸡舍夏季舍内及舍外颗粒物为研究对象,采用风机将鸡舍内颗粒物排放到舍外,监测舍内、外颗粒物浓度变化,并分析颗粒物的传播规律。结果表明:笼养蛋鸡舍内、外以对人体危害最大的细颗粒物为主,且鸡舍外颗粒物主要来源于舍内,其浓度最高可达到舍内的55.2%;舍外颗粒物粒径越小,在空气中传播的距离越远,越容易对周围居民的健康造成影响。通过分析鸡舍内、外颗粒物浓度日变化,发现舍内工作人员活动和喂料机工作均会扰动舍内沉积的颗粒物,并惊动蛋鸡,致使蛋鸡活动性增强,引起舍内、外颗粒物浓度升高。同时,随着蛋鸡日龄的增加或空气湿度的下降,舍内、外颗粒物浓度均呈现升高的趋势。因此,控制鸡舍内颗粒物浓度并采用适当的降尘措施将有利于保障蛋鸡和工作人员的健康、减轻畜禽场颗粒物对周围环境的危害。 Taking the ventilated cage house and summer house as the object of study, the windmill was used to discharge the house to the outside of the house. The changes of the concentration of the house and house were monitored, and the propagation of the particulate matter was analyzed. The results showed that the most harmful to human body was the fine particles inside and outside the cage, and the outside of the house was mainly from the inside of the house, with the highest concentration of 55.2% Small, the longer the distance spread in the air, the more likely to affect the health of the surrounding residents. By analyzing the diurnal variation of the concentration of particulate matter inside and outside the house, it is found that the activities of the house staff and the work of the feeder disturb the sediment particles in the house and disturb the laying hens, resulting in the increased activity of the laying hens, causing the internal and external particulates Increased concentration. At the same time, with the increase of the age of laying hens or the decrease of air humidity, the concentration of particulate matter both inside and outside the house showed an increasing trend. Therefore, controlling the concentration of particulate matter in the house and using appropriate measures to reduce dust will help to protect the health of laying hens and staff, and reduce the harm of livestock and poultry particles to the surrounding environment.
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