宽宏大气、速度与能量并重 Wisdom Audio L75m

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近年,影音市场的发展发生了很大的转变,视频从以往的标清逐步向高清发展,音频也从以往的DTS、Dolby Digital发展到DTS-HD MA、Dolby Digital TrueHD等高清音频格式。而对应的器材也随之发生了一定的转变,例如在音箱方面,目前消费者要求音箱的声音好、动态大的同时还需要有漂亮的工艺,而且放在家中必须能与家居融合。因此,入墙音箱也渐渐流行起来。但高素质的入墙音箱可谓少之又少,而这里要介绍的Wisdom Audio正是全世界第一家生产Hi-End级入墙音箱的厂家。我们曾在本年第8期杂志中的“品牌故事”栏目介绍过这个厂家以及其技术,大家可以翻阅该期杂志的相关内容。说到Wisdom Audio的产品,目前只有Sage系列的产品,是为高端用户而打造的一个入墙式音箱的产品系列。在去年,由于产品推出市场不久,代理商所引进的产品也不多,所以要听到它的表现还需要一定的时间。不过,在这个月,我已亲身地感受过这个系列中的次级旗舰,其型号为L75m。 In recent years, great changes have taken place in the development of video and audio markets. Video has gradually evolved from HD in the past to HD. Audio has also evolved from DTS and Dolby Digital to HD audio formats such as DTS-HD MA and Dolby Digital TrueHD. The corresponding equipment also will be a certain degree of change, for example, the speakers, the current consumer demand loudspeaker sound is good, dynamic and also need to have a beautiful craft, but also at home must be able to integrate with the home. Therefore, into the wall speaker is also getting popular. However, high-quality wall speakers can be described as very few, and here to introduce Wisdom Audio is the world’s first production of Hi-End-level wall speakers manufacturers. We have introduced this manufacturer and its technology in the “Brand Story” column in the 8th issue of this year, and we can read the relevant contents of this issue of the magazine. Speaking of Wisdom Audio’s products, currently only Sage series of products, is for high-end users to create a wall-mounted speaker product line. In the past year, as the products were introduced to the market shortly, there were not many products introduced by the agents, so it still takes time to hear its performance. However, this month, I have personally experienced the sub-flagship of this series, the model L75m.
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