原发性脑干出血占脑出血的10%。我院自1984~1990年共收治有CT及MRI证实的脑干出血36例,现将其临床特点及CT改变等问题分析如下。临床资料(1) 一般资料男21例,女15例。年龄15~75岁,平均54岁。15~28岁3例,41~50岁9例,51~60岁13例,61~75岁11例。本病多见于中老年。有高血压病史者24例,糖尿病病史者3例。(2) 可能诱因于活动中及用力时起病者28例,情绪激动起病5例,安静状态起病3例。(3) 临床症状与体征分别见表1、2。
Primary brain stem hemorrhage accounted for 10% of cerebral hemorrhage. Our hospital since 1984 ~ 1990 were treated with CT and MRI confirmed brainstem hemorrhage in 36 cases, now its clinical features and CT changes are as follows. Clinical data (1) General information 21 males and 15 females. Aged 15 to 75 years old, average 54 years old. 3 cases were 15-28 years old, 9 cases were 41-50 years old, 13 cases were 51-60 years old and 11 cases were 61-75 years old. The disease more common in middle-aged. 24 cases had a history of hypertension, 3 cases had a history of diabetes. (2) 28 motivation may be induced in the event and forced onset, emotional onset in 5 cases, 3 cases of silent onset. (3) clinical symptoms and signs are shown in Table 1, 2 respectively.