
来源 :设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leighttt
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为认真做好第二届(1986~1987年度)全国设备管理优秀单位的评选工作,现根据国务院《全民所有制工业交通企业设备管理条例》第三十五条规定和国家经委《关于继续开展全国设备管理优秀单位评选活动的通知》(经设〔1986〕472号),结合当前具体情况,特作如下通知: 一、成立评优领导小组,组长由国家经委经济顾问马仪担任。 二、按经设〔1986〕472号文件中八条原则规定,参照行业设备管理各项先进指标进行评比。 三、为简化评审程序,减少对企业的重复检查,现对国家经委经设〔1986〕472号文件中的评审程序作如下改进: 1.第二届全国设备管理优秀单位由各省、自治区、直辖市经委(计经委)和国务院各部门从获得本地区、本行业设备管理优秀单位的企业中将前两名直 In order to conscientiously do a good job in the selection of the outstanding units of the second national (1986-1987) national equipment management, it is now in accordance with Article 35 of the State Council’s Regulations on the Administration of Equipment for Industrial Transport Enterprises Ownership by the State and the State Economic Commission “Continuing to Develop National Equipment The Notice on Management of Selection Activities for Outstanding Units (No. 472 of [1986]), in conjunction with the current specific situation, is specially made as follows: 1. An evaluation and leading group is formed. The team leader is headed by Ma Yi, economic consultant of the State Economic Commission. 2. According to the eight principles set out in Document No. 472 of [1986], the assessment will be made with reference to the advanced indicators of industrial equipment management. 3. In order to simplify the review process and reduce duplication of inspections of enterprises, the review procedures in Document No. 472 of the State Economic and Trade Commission [1986] have been improved as follows: 1. The second national equipment management excellence unit consists of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The top two companies will be directly selected by enterprises of the Economic and Social Commission (ECPC) and various departments of the State Council from companies that have obtained excellent equipment management in the region and the industry.
澄西船厂原舾装车间的“木工安全平刨床”研制小组,于一九八四年底研制出MB-514双保险木工安全平刨床样机。经过几年来的试用及不断改进,有关方面给予了 The development t
固定资产基本折旧基金的提取和使用是一个重大的政策性问题,我们通过对上海市化工企业折旧情况的调查,现就这方面的问题作些探讨。 首先,我们从每百元固定资产创造的产值情
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七○八所计量工作经北京市计量局检查、鉴定,于1987年11月21日被授于计量二级。至此,七○八所率先成为航天部直属研究所计量二级单位。 七○八所的计量工作基础差,起步晚。1