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8月14日,局党组书记、局长侯碧波在人事处处长苗培栋的陪同下,到培训中心调研,详细听取了培训中心近期工作和解放思想大讨论活动第一阶段工作进展情况汇报。侯碧波局长对培训中心近年来在班子建设、培训教育、扶贫工作等方面取得的成绩给予了充分肯定。特别是培训中心在生源萎 On August 14, accompanied by Mabai Miaodong, head of the personnel department, Hou Bibo, party secretary and director of the Bureau, went to the training center for investigation and listened to the report on the progress of the first phase of the recent work of the training center and the emancipation of the mind. Secretary-General Hou Bibo fully affirmed the achievements made by the training center in team building, training and education, and poverty alleviation work in recent years. In particular, training centers are at a source of income
近年来 ,笔者用中西医结合方法治疗婴幼儿哮喘 61例 ,并与单纯西药治疗组进行临床疗效比较。现将结果报道如下。1 临床资料按婴幼儿哮喘诊断标准[1] 收治婴幼儿哮喘患儿1 2
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Gallium nitride (GaN) has received great attention because its outstanding properties are suitable for the development of novel microelectronic and optoelectron
史玉柱的东山再起,或许预示着一个旧时代的落幕和一个新时代的诞生,即看重人脉关系的第一代企业家正在淡出舞台,那些专注于客户和行业的新一代企业家正在走上前台。 The ris
防紫外线香皂获发明专利号99113324.2(荣获2000年国际发明金奖)。该产品所加入的高浓度提取的中药有100%吸收紫外线作用。另加护肤营养之品,从 Anti-UV soap was invented
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