Biomedical Engineering:Materials,Devices,and Technological Innovation Continue to Build a Better Fut

来源 :工程(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kangshuangming
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Biomedical engineering is a relatively new and exciting branch of life sciences that combines materials,devices,design,and prob-lem-solving engineering with medical and biological sciences in order to improve healthcare treatments,including diagnosis,implantation,monitoring,and therapy.The interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineering is changing the ways in which people interact with the world.From prosthetic limbs to medicine-deliv-ery technology,the pioneering work by biomedical scientists and engineers has been shaking the very foundations of traditional medicines and healthcare treatments.Moreover,the miniaturiza-tion of medical equipment has been a major breakthrough,facili-tating the development of more advanced wearable devices,microneedles for drug-delivery systems,and mini-sensors for brain-controlled prosthetics.Many incredible achievements have been made in biomedical engineering technology in the last dec-ade,including clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats(CRISPR)gene editing,methods for targeting nucleic acids,and wearable or portable devices that are used for the diagnosis of cancers,infectious diseases,and ophthalmic conditions.
As reported in July 2021 in The New England Journal of Medicine,a neural implant helped a paralyzed man speak his first compre-hensible words in 18 years:“My family is outside”[1,2].The achievement-albeit in a single patient,nicknamed Pancho,who as a 20-y
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