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2002年度亚太室内设计大奖赛颁奖仪式于9月17日在香港举行。本次赛事恰逢香港室内设计大奖赛10周年,大奖赛旨在推动设计业的共荣,使香港设计中心成为地区性的优秀设计展示舞台。 2002亚太室内设计大奖赛吸引了来自中国、新加坡、澳大利亚、韩国、日本和中国港、澳、台地区的350多个团体前来参赛,亚太室内设计大奖赛将室内设计分为9大类:商业类(精品店、零售店、美容沙龙、康体中心、戏院和电影院);公司类(各种工作空间,包括大型公司总部、银行和小型办公室);酒店类(各种酒店设施,包括大堂、餐饮中心、单间客房或套房等);俱乐部类(各种款待设施,包括会所、高尔夫、乡村俱乐部、游艇等);住宅类(有别墅、大厅); 酒吧类(各种餐饮设施、休闲酒吧、夜总会、迪斯科、卡拉OK厢房和各种餐饮娱乐点等);展厅和展示平台类(展示厅、博物馆、画廊和公共场所的临时展台、展示平台等);社会事业机构类等(学校、教堂、公众空间)以及学生类(学生作品)。大奖赛的评审标准按原则性和创新性、成本有效性、遵循客户的意愿、功能性、创造性、空间安排、美观以及环境的重要性8项组成。每个类别审查两轮,第一轮选出最终的参赛者,然后将选出的作品交由国际评审团进行评判,评判结果就是最后的优胜者。这些优秀作品非同凡响,本刊拟分多期向读者推介。 The awards ceremony for the 2002 Asia Pacific Interior Design Grand Prix was held in Hong Kong on September 17. This event coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Hong Kong Interior Design Grand Prix, which aims to promote the co-prosperity of the design industry and to make the Hong Kong Design Center a regional showcase for outstanding design. The Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards 2002 attracted more than 350 participants from China, Singapore, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The Asia Pacific Interior Design Grand Prix divides interior design into nine categories: Commercial (Boutiques, retail stores, beauty salons, wellness centers, cinemas and cinemas); corporate classes (various work spaces including large corporate headquarters, banks and small offices); hotels (various hotel facilities including lobby, Dining rooms, single rooms or suites, etc.); clubs (various hospitality facilities including clubs, golf, country clubs, yachts, etc.); residential categories including villas and halls; bars (various dining facilities, Nightclubs, disco, karaoke rooms and various dining and entertainment spots); exhibition halls and display platforms (temporary exhibition halls, museums, galleries and public places temporary display platforms, display platforms); social institutions, etc. (schools, churches, Public space) and student classes (student work). The assessment criteria of the Grand Prix are based on principles and innovativeness, cost-effectiveness, and follow the customer’s wishes, functionality, creativity, spatial arrangement, aesthetics and the importance of the environment. Two rounds are examined for each category, the first round is selected for the final entrant, and the selected piece of work is submitted to an international jury for adjudication. The result is the final winner. These outstanding works extraordinary, the publication to be divided into multiple readers to promote.
原料:精制白糖5汤匙 水2/3杯 植物胶质2包(约1盎司) 鲜橙汁2杯半 桔黄花水2汤匙 制法:1.锅中加入糖、水,慢慢加热至糖融化,冷却后将胶质倒入糖水中,静置待胶质完全吸收水分
无论在你的门前、窗台,还是在你的厅房、案几,只要摆上几盆馥郁芬芳的鲜花,一股浓浓的温馨之情就会弥漫居室,有助于您的身体健康。 迎春花 为木樨科素馨属落叶灌木,是一年之