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21世纪是生命、信息和材料三大科学并进的时代,而生命科学将成为整个科学领域的带动学科,是解决食物、能源、资源等方面的经济、政治重大关键技术和关键问题,对保障食物和国家经济发展都是至关重要的。为此,记者就海水养殖业的“生物保安”问题访问了国家“973”项目“海水重要养殖生物病害发生和抗病力的基础研究”的首席科学家、中科院海洋研究所研究员相建海。相建海研究员说,“生物保安”是一个新的概念。随着人们生活水平的日益提高、经济全球化及世界范围内国际贸易的急剧增长,越来越多的国家和国际组织认识到涉及食品安全、动植物生命与健康,以及有关环境方面风险的生物保安的重要性。联合国粮农组织已将其 The 21st century is a time when the three major sciences of life, information and materials are advancing. Life sciences will become the driving disciplines in the entire scientific field. It is a key economic and political key technology and key issue for food, energy and resources, And the country’s economic development are all crucial. To this end, the reporter visited the “973 ” project of the “Marine Biological Protection” issue of the marine aquaculture industry and the chief scientist of the “Basic Research on the Occurrence and Disease Resistance of Important Aquaculture Biological Diseases in Seawater”, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Researcher Xiang Jianhai. Xiang Jianhai researcher said, “biological security ” is a new concept. As people’s standard of living continues to rise, economic globalization and the rapid growth of international trade around the world, more and more countries and international organizations recognize that organisms involved in food safety, animal and plant life and health, and environmental risks The importance of security. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has put it
3.如图1,在△ABC中,AB=AC,BE⊥AC,D是AB中点,且DE=BE,则∠C的度数是( )。 3. As shown in Fig. 1, in △ABC, AB=AC, BE⊥AC, D is the midpoint of AB, and DE=BE, then t
1 设a,b,c为互异的实数,P(x)为实系数多项式.如果 P(x)除以x-a余式为a,P(x)除以x-b余式为b,P(x)除以x-c余式为c.求P(x)除以(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)的余式.解 众所周知,P(x)除以x-a余式
练习选择题1 式子 912 -log3 5的值是 (   )(A) 35.  (B) 315.  (C) 32 5.  (D) 912 5.2 已知c1是函数f(x) =2 x 的图象 ,c2 是 g(x) =log2 (x +1) - 1的图象 ,则 (   )(A)把c1右移 1个
波利亚 (G .Polya ,1 887- 1 985 )享寿 98岁 ,曾任国际数学教育委员会主席、名誉主席 .他写的《怎样解题》、《数学与猜想》和《数学的发现》 ,被许多国家竞相翻译 .下面是他关于
苏轼的《浣溪沙》和辛弃疾的《西江月》都是描写农村风光的词,它们以不同的形式和词句,表现了清新的意境,朴实的深情。现在先看苏轼的 Su Shi’s “Chui Xi Sha” and Xin
一元二次方程的整数根问题 ,不仅涉及到二次方程的相关知识 (包括方程的各种解法、判别式定理以及韦达定理等 ) ,同时还与整数、整除等知识密切相关 ,其知识性、综合性和技巧