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美帝國主義者破壞它參加簽字的開羅宣言和波茨坦公告,違反美國政府在一九五○年一月「不捲入中國內爭」的聲明,背信棄義地派遣艦隊侵略中國領土台灣,最近更明目張胆地和蒋匪介石簽訂所謂「共同防禦條約」。這個條約不只要阻撓我國解放台灣,並且「將要用於經共同協議所决定之其他地方」,換句話說,他還企圖幫助蔣匪進攻中國大陸。我國周恩來外交部長對於這件事已向全世界發表聲明:「中國人民要對干涉者和挑釁者以堅决地回擊。」「台灣是中國的領土,中國人民一定要解放台灣。」我們教師必須教育學生,使他們對解放台灣和我國當前的國際環境有正確的認識,並激發他們積極支援解放台灣鬥爭的熱情。怎樣進行這種教育呢? 要用具體材料使學生了解:美蔣「共同防禦條約」,是美帝國主義决心與六億中國人民為敵的表現,同時也是它組織侵略陣營中的一環。美帝在歐洲搞巴黎協定、在亞洲搞馬尼拉條約,它不只企圖血洗台灣、血洗中國大陸,並且企圖發動血洗世界的大戰。因為美國政府是代表少數獨佔资本家軍需工業老闆們的利益,他們不挑起戰爭,不流人民的血,生意就不能興隆,就不能大得利潤,這樣就必然地成為戰魔、嗜血鬼。英法政府也是代表獨佔資本家的利益,所以跟着美國跑,他們跟美國結成侵略陣營也就是為着分享利润。同時我們也要教學生了解侵略陣營之間也存在着非常大的矛盾。美國為了實施擴張政策,不只在西德日本驻紥美軍,並且也在英法本國駐紥美軍,這不僅损害了英法的獨立,並使英法作為美國在歐洲的前哨陣地。當真挑起戰火,首先是燒到英法。再加上英法國力日趨衰落,所以他們對於奉行戰爭政策也具有若干動搖性。至於日本西德的人民對於横行霸道直接佔領他們國土的美軍,更帶着極大的仇恨。帝國主義間互相爭奪市場,在經濟上更有很大矛盾。在台灣問題 The U.S. imperialists undermine the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation it signed and violated the U.S. government’s statement of “not getting involved in the civil war in China” in January 1950, sending a fleet of troops to invade China’s territory of Taiwan in a perfunctory attempt. Recently, Gladly signed the so-called “common defensive treaty” with Chiang Kai-shek. This treaty not only hinders our country from liberating Taiwan, but “it will be used for other places determined by a common agreement.” In other words, he also attempts to help Chiang Kai-shek attack the mainland. China’s Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai has made a statement to the world about this incident: “The Chinese people must resolutely fight back against the interventionists and provocates.” “Taiwan is China’s territory and the Chinese people must liberate Taiwan.” We teachers must Educate students so that they have a correct understanding of liberating Taiwan and the current international environment in our country and stimulate their enthusiasm in actively supporting the liberation of Taiwan. What kind of education should be carried out? Students should be informed by concrete materials: The “joint defense treaty” between the United States and Chiang Kai-shek is a manifestation of U.S. imperialism’s determination to fight the 600 million Chinese people and as part of its camp for organizing aggression. The United States and China are engaged in the Paris agreement in Europe and the Manila treaty in Asia. They not only attempt to clean Taiwan, wash blood in mainland China, and attempt to launch the world war of blood washing. Because the U.S. government represents the interests of a handful of minority capitalist military industrial bosses, they can not make big profits without risking war or flowing the blood of their people. Their business can not be prosperous, and they inevitably have become wolves and bloodthirsty. The British and French governments also represent the interests of the exclusive capitalists. Therefore, following the United States, they formed an aggression camp with the United States in the interest of sharing profits. At the same time, we also need to teach our students that there is also a great contradiction between the camps for aggression. In order to implement the policy of expansion, the United States not only stationed the U.S. military in West Germany but also its U.S. troops stationed in Britain and France. This not only undermined the independence of Britain and France, but also made Britain and France an outpost of the United States in Europe. Truly provoke the war, the first is burned to Britain and France. Coupled with the declining decline of the British and French forces, they also have a number of dislocations in their war policy. As for the people of Japan’s West Germany, they even hated even greater hatred of the U.S. forces that occupied the territory directly by using hegemony. The struggle between the imperialists for the market is more contradictory in economic terms. The problem in taiwan