为了解郓城县流行性出血热的流行情况,科学地进行流行性出血热的防治工作,1998年菏泽地区特在郓城县设立监测站1个,现将监测结果报告如下: 一、调查方法 1.流行病学调查 对确诊病例逐一进行个案调查,并填写个案调查表。
In order to understand the prevalence of epidemic hemorrhagic fever in Tancheng County and to carry out prevention and treatment of epidemic hemorrhagic fever scientifically, in 1998 Heze Prefecture established a monitoring station in Tancheng County. The monitoring results are reported as follows: I. Method of Investigation 1. Epidemiological survey Case-by-case investigation of confirmed cases, and fill in the case questionnaire.