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随着新课程改革的不断深入,课外阅读越来越受到广大老师的重视。但如何指导学生的课外阅读,如何提高学生的阅读兴趣,如何使阅读活动开展得卓有成效,这些问题仍然困扰着许多老师。有的老师只是简单地要求学生进行课外阅读,至于阅读什么书籍没有任何推荐;有的老师虽然介绍了一些书籍,但是并不能吸引学生的眼球;有的老师只是把阅读的材料交给学生,至于阅读目的的理解,阅读方法的指导,阅读过程和结果的监控,往往做得很少。从学生的角度看,许多学生缺少阅读的动力,没有阅读的习惯,远离阅读的氛围和环境,其阅读过程往往是走马观花。面时这些问题,武汉市育才小学的老师们却是八仙过海,各显神通,通过自己的智慧和勤恳,总结了一套有效开展课外阅读活动的经验和办法,下面就让我们听听他们的介绍吧…… With the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform, extracurricular reading has drawn more and more attention from the majority of teachers. However, how to guide students ’extracurricular reading, how to improve students’ reading interest and how to carry out reading activities are still troublesome to many teachers. Some teachers simply ask students to read in extracurricular time. There is no recommendation about reading any books. Some teachers introduce some books but they can not attract students’ attention. Some teachers just give reading materials to students. As for some teachers, Reading comprehension, guidance on reading methods, monitoring of the reading process and results are often done very little. From a student’s point of view, many students lack the motivation to read, have no reading habits, and stay away from the atmosphere and environment of reading. Their reading process is often cursory. When faced with these problems, the teachers in Wuhan Yucai Primary School are all passing through the Eight Immortals and superficial. Through their own wisdom and diligence, they have summed up their experience and methods of effectively carrying out extra-curricular reading activities. Let’s listen to their introduction Right ...
在现有的设计手册及教科书中,都认为螺栓在其横截面上的应力是均布的.但对于非对称螺栓头来说,其横截面上的应力分布是不均匀的。通过对12VE230ZC 柴油机主轴承螺栓的实测表
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介绍了五种泵送砼施工通病,剖析通病产生的原因,并从材料、配合比和操作方法等方面提出防治措施。 Five kinds of pumping defects were introduced, and the causes of commo
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