
来源 :中国水泥 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pipijiayoua
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全国“两会”召开前夕,各省区市的政府工作报告已全部对外公布。报告中明确列出了今后五年的目标和工作任务,包含了一些重大基建项目和城乡建设的目标和任务。那么作为基建及房地产的上游,水泥行业的成长空间到底有多大?据国家统计局的调查数据,我国城镇化率每提升一个百分点,将会有1000万的人口转移到城市,如果按照每人住房面积30平米来算,每年需新增3亿平米的住宅,若按照每平米住房建设需要0.2吨水泥计算,也就是说,每提升一个百分点水泥需求是0.6亿吨。据此估算,中国城镇化率达到60%,以1.2亿人口城镇化计算,居民住宅建设需求水泥7.2亿吨。以下是本刊编辑部特为广大读者精心摘编出的全国31省市区与水泥行业相关的基础建设项目情况,供读者参考。 On the eve of the convening of the “National People’s Congress and the NPC and CPPCC”, the government work reports of all the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities have all been announced. The report clearly set out the goals and tasks for the next five years, including some major infrastructure projects and urban and rural construction goals and tasks. So as infrastructure and real estate upstream, the growth of the cement industry in the end how much? According to the National Bureau of Statistics survey data, China’s urbanization rate increased by one percentage point each year, there will be 10 million people transferred to cities, according to each housing An area of ​​30 square meters to be counted each year to add 300 million square meters of housing, if the required per square meter housing construction needs 0.2 tons of cement, that is to say, every one percentage point increase in cement demand is 0.6 million tons. It is estimated that China’s urbanization rate reached 60%, urbanization of population of 120 million, residential housing construction needs 720 million tons of cement. The following is the editorial department of our magazine specifically for the majority of readers carefully compiled the country’s 31 provinces and municipalities and the cement industry-related infrastructure projects for readers reference.
自血光量子疗法的临床应用较广泛 ,但某些病情危重 ,一般情况差的病人及病人对抽自身血有顾虑时 ,往往放弃此疗法。我们根据光量子疗法的机理 ,采用异体同型血代替自体血 ,经
一、为什么要开办音乐函授教育 21世纪的竞争是人才的竞争,社会生产力的发展、国家的进步与繁荣越来越取决于国民整体素质水平的提高。我国在向社会主义市场经济转变和大力