
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:same786
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目的通过对餐饮服务人员进行盐与高血压相关知识知晓率的调查及干预,提高餐饮服务人员对盐与高血压相关知识的知晓率,从餐桌做起,降低高盐饮食,从而预防高血压。方法根据省部联合减盐防控高血压项目,对乐陵市大、中、小餐饮单位服务人员进行随机抽取调查742人,干预组378人、对照组364人,分别进行盐与高血压相关知识问卷调查,内容包括高血压诊断标准、高血压的危险因素、每人每天食盐总摄入量、食盐过高的危害等。对干预组的餐饮服务人员进行盐与高血压相关知识授课培训、发放低盐膳食宣传册、盐与高血压知识读本。3个月后再次对两组进行问卷调查。结果干预后餐饮服务人员对高血压诊断标准知晓率提高51.1%、高血压危险因素知晓率提高39.3%、每人每天食盐量知晓率提高57.9%、食盐过多危害知晓率提高55.0%。结论高盐饮食是导致高血压的重要危险因素[1]。需要大力宣传盐与高血压相关知识,并进行培训,提高餐饮服务人员对盐与高血压相关知识的知晓率。 Objective To improve awareness of salt and hypertension-related knowledge by catering service personnel by investigating and interfering with the knowledge of salt and hypertension related knowledge, starting from the table, and reducing high-salt diet to prevent hypertension. Methods According to the joint project of reducing salt and preventing hypertension in the provincial department, a total of 742 people were randomly selected from service personnel of large, middle and small catering units in Leling City. 378 intervention groups and 364 control groups were involved in salt and hypertension respectively. The questionnaire survey of knowledge included the diagnostic criteria for hypertension, the risk factors for hypertension, the total intake of salt per person per day, and the risk of excessive salt intake. The catering service personnel in the intervention group were trained in salt and hypertension-related knowledge, issued salt-low diet brochures, and knowledge books on salt and hypertension. Three months later, the two groups were again surveyed. Results After the intervention, the awareness rate of hypertensive diagnosis standard was increased by 51.1%, the awareness rate of hypertension risk factors was increased by 39.3%, the awareness rate of salt amount per person per day increased by 57.9%, and the awareness rate of excessive salt damage increased by 55.0%. Conclusion High salt diet is an important risk factor for hypertension [1]. It is necessary to vigorously publicize the knowledge related to salt and hypertension and to conduct training to increase the awareness of food service personnel about salt and hypertension related knowledge.
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