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目的意义。加快旅游度假区建设,是适应和满足人民群众日益增长的休闲度假需求,积极创造开展休闲度假活动的便利条件,提高国民生活质量,全面建成小康社会的必然要求;是深入贯彻落实科学发展观,大力发展资源节约型、环境友好型生态经济,推进全市五大主体功能区协调发展的重要举措;是重庆旅游业转变发展方式,整合集成旅游发展要素,调整优化旅游产品结构,丰富“重庆非去不可”品牌内涵,加快全市旅游业转型升级的战略选择。指导思想。按照全面建成小康社会的要求,以满足人民群众日益增长的休闲度假需求为出发点和落脚点,进一步解放思想、深化改革、扩大开放,着力打造一批主题形象鲜明、比较优势明显、基础设施完备、配套服务齐全和生态环境优良的旅游度假区,使之成为“重庆非去不可”的有力支撑,促进全市旅游业提档升级和转型发展,加快把重庆建设成为国内外著名旅游目的地。基本原则。坚持政府引导与市场主导相结合,规划先行与适度开发相结合,结构优化与项目引领相结合,主体提升与融合发展相结合,经济效益、社会效益与环境效益相统一的原则,确保旅游度假区特色化、规范化、品牌化、差异化和可持续发展。发展目标。到2017年年底,基本建成全市旅游度假区体系,吸引建设投资超过300亿元,国家级、市级旅游度假区达到25家,住宿接待设施床位数不低于5万张,吸纳5万以上人员就业,市级以上旅游度假区每年吸引过夜旅游者500万人次以上,游客平均停留天数不低于2天。 Purpose of meaning. Accelerating the construction of tourist resorts is an inevitable requirement for adapting and meeting the growing demand for leisure and vacation of the masses of the people, actively creating convenient conditions for carrying out recreational and holiday activities, enhancing the quality of life of the people and building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. It is also an important requirement for thoroughly implementing the scientific concept of development, Vigorously develop resource-saving and environment-friendly eco-economy and promote the coordinated development of the city’s five main functions of the important measures; Chongqing tourism industry to change the mode of development, integration and integration of tourism development elements, adjust and optimize the structure of tourism products, enrichment, “Chongqing non-go Not ”brand connotation, speed up the city’s tourism industry to upgrade the strategic choice. guiding ideology. In accordance with the requirements of building a well-off society in an all-round manner and taking people’s growing demand for leisure and leisure as starting points and footholds, we further emancipated our minds, deepened reforms and expanded opening up. We are trying our best to create a series of projects with distinctive themes, obvious comparative advantages, complete infrastructure, Supporting services and excellent ecological environment of the tourist resort, making it a “Chongqing can not be” strong support to promote the city’s tourism upgrade upgrade and transformation and development, accelerate the construction of Chongqing into a famous tourist destination at home and abroad. The basic principle. Adhere to the principle of combining government guidance with market leadership, combining planning first and moderate development, combining structural optimization with project lead, combining main promotion with integrated development, integrating economic benefits, social benefits with environmental benefits, and ensuring tourism resorts Specialization, standardization, branding, differentiation and sustainable development. development Goals. By the end of 2017, the city’s tourist resort system has basically been completed, attracting more than 30 billion yuan of investment in construction, reaching 25 at the national and municipal tourist resorts and not less than 50,000 beds in accommodation reception facilities, attracting more than 50,000 personnel Employment, tourist resorts above the city level every year to attract overnight tourists more than 5 million tourists the average number of days to stay for no less than 2 days.
General Thoughts on Water Resources Devel-opment In Western Regions In order to realize the objective of having abreakthrough in construction of infrastructure
1 概况宿鸭湖水库夏屯水电站引水明渠混凝土侧墙,由于混凝土浇注不密实,混凝土伸缩缝处理不是很好,一遇到高水位(超过52.00m)就由混凝土和伸缩缝中向外渗漏水,特别是伸缩缝
1 概述白龟山水库主坝址下游9km处的沙河河道,有一半径约为500m的凹形大弯庭——梁李弯庭。险工段位于河道北岸弯道顶部,总长700m。河岸土质属轻粉质壤土,一遇洪水,坍塌严重
领导者小传: 马继洋,汉族,1965年3月出生于青海省格尔木市,1984年成都水力发电学校水工专业毕业后,分配到西藏自治区水利局工作。1999年被任命为区水利规划勘测设计研究院副
经过近 7年的艰苦努力 ,福建在全国率先建成覆盖全省的洪水预警报系统。这标志着该省防汛与水利的信息化、现代化水平登上了一个新台阶。近日 ,国家防办致信祝贺。福建是水旱
1 引言长须水利枢纽是南水北调西线工程雅砻江调水方案的比较枢纽之一,最大坝高175m,总库容134亿m~3,年引水量45亿m~3。水库的修建,将会使一定范围的自然平衡状态发生改变,