再接再厉,共创影音辉煌 2009中国青岛THX家庭影院认证工程师一级培训课程报道

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继去年举行THX HT1、HT2、isf等一系列国际培训大获成功后,经过多方努力,7月10日,与青岛中国国际消费电子博览会同期,全球著名的影音机构美国THX公司与我们再次联合举办了THX家庭影院认证工程师一级培训课程。美国THX公司培训总监John Dahl先生亲自来华授课,共有来自全国28个省份(包括台湾地区、香港地区)及新加坡、马来西亚学员共计113人参加了培训,他们包括了一批国际影音机构的高级员工、大型影音企业的技术人员、各区域的代理商、系统集成商、经销商、家居设计公司及生产厂家代表,几乎浓缩了整个影音行业的精华。此次培训能有如此众多的行业精英参加,的确有些超出我们的意料,但回想中国家庭影院的发展历程,就不难得出一个结论:中国家庭影院行业的确强烈地需要与国际接轨,需要提高整体层次与技术水准了。在组织此次培训的过程中,再三引起我强烈反思的是,中国家庭影院行业经历了近20年的发展,曾经形成了庞大的产业规模,也获得了广大消费者的喜爱与认同,但是长期以来,产业一直停留在低技术层次的状态下,重营销、轻技术、忽视品质是这个行业曾经的流行病。这也就是从数年前开始,整个音响行业出现了大幅下滑的重要原因。然而,随着社会发展、生活水平的提高,人们对高等级影音的需求必然逐渐强烈,高端影院设计开始成为潮流,影音行业因此而形成了注重技术、追求品质的新风尚,并因此焕发出新的生机。此次培训的成功举行正是行业对技术与标准强烈需求的具体体现。可喜的是,由于培训强调标准、强调技术并注重应用,因而获得了学员们的极大欢迎。通过培训,学员们清晰了家庭影院的设计目标与标准,掌握了影院产品的功能与操作,并可以熟练地应用到具体的实践中,从而在提高自我素质与能力的同时,也整体提高了行业从业人员的水准及行业高度。与国际最新影音技术与标准接轨,将让中国影音行业焕发出新的生命与活力,让中国大众可以享受到更高品质的影音生活,这也是本次青岛THX培训成功举办更深远的意义所在。 Following the success of a series of international training programs such as THX HT1, HT2 and ISF held last year, after much effort, on July 10, THX, the world’s leading audio and video organization, again held a joint tour with us during the same period as China International Consumer Electronics Show Qingdao THX home theater certified engineer a training course. Mr. John Dahl, the training director of THX Company, came to China to teach in person. A total of 113 participants from 28 provinces (including Taiwan and Hong Kong) and Singapore and Malaysia attended the training. They included a group of senior staff of International Audiovisual Institutions , Large-scale audio-visual enterprise technical staff, agents in all regions, system integrators, distributors, home design companies and manufacturers representatives, almost concentrated the essence of the entire audio-visual industry. This training can be so many industry elite to participate, it is somewhat beyond our expectations, but recalling the history of the development of Chinese home theater, it is not difficult to come to a conclusion: China’s home theater industry indeed strongly in need of international standards, the need to improve the overall Levels and technical standards. In the process of organizing this training, I have repeatedly aroused my strong reflection that the Chinese home theater industry has experienced nearly 20 years of development, has formed a huge industrial scale, but also won the majority of consumers love and recognition, but long-term Since the industry has been stuck in a low-tech state, heavy marketing, light technology and neglect of quality have been epidemics in this industry. This is exactly from a few years ago, the entire audio industry, a significant decline in the important reasons. However, with the development of society and the improvement of living standard, people’s demand for high-grade video and audio is bound to become stronger and stronger. High-end cinema design is beginning to become a trend. As a result, the audio and video industry has formed a new trend of focusing on technology and pursuing quality, Vitality. The success of this training is precisely the industry’s strong demand for technology and standards a concrete manifestation. The good news is that trainees receive great welcome as training emphasizes standards, emphasizes technology and focuses on applications. Through training, trainees have clearly defined the design goals and standards of home cinemas, mastered the functions and operations of cinema products, and proficiently applied them to specific practices, so as to improve their own quality and ability as well as to raise the industry as a whole The level of practitioners and industry height. With the latest international video technology and standards, will enable China’s audio and video industry rejuvenated new life and vitality, so that the Chinese public can enjoy higher quality video life, which is the success of this Qingdao THX training held more far-reaching significance.
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主持人: 我1955年应征入伍,1958年退伍回乡吃农业粮,1967年进黄柏岭垦殖场工作,1995年退休。但是,我的军龄不算工龄,当地有关部门说,退伍回乡吃商品粮的可以算,吃农业粮的不
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主持人: 一职工的妻符合供养直系亲属条件,职工死亡后,其妻享受了应得的社会保险待遇。不久该妻再婚,就不再发给原享受的待遇,因为她已另有生活来源。但后来因生活条件差,又