传播领袖声音 讲好中国故事 展示浙江形象 凸显浙报精神——浙报集团全国两会报道总结

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3月3日至16日,全国两会在北京召开。这次全国两会是在我国发展进入“十三五”时期,供给侧结构性改革进入攻坚阶段,决胜全面小康开局之年召开的,具有特殊的意义。这次两会也是习近平总书记在党的新闻舆论工作座谈会上发表重要讲话后,浙报集团面临的首次重大战役性报道。浙报集团对此高度重视,集团社长高海浩、总编辑鲍洪俊亲临一线,精心谋划、严格把关,派出涵盖报纸、杂志、网站、手机客户端等近30位采编精英的前方报道团队赴京采访,同时在后方配备上百人的采编力量,前后方实时互动, From March 3 to March 16, two sessions of the two countries will be held in Beijing. This time, the two sessions of the NPC are of special significance in the period of our country’s development entering the “13th Five-Year Plan”, the structural reform of the supply side has entered a crucial stage and its victory has won the all-round well-off start. This is also the first time that the two sessions are the first major campaign coverage of the Zhejiang Daily Group after General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important speech at the party’s forum on press public opinion. Zhejiang Newspaper Group attaches great importance to this. Group President Gao Hahao and editor-in-chief Bao Hongjun visit the front line and carefully plan and strictly control the dispatched front-reporting teams covering nearly 30 editors and elites covering newspapers, magazines, websites and mobile phone clients to Beijing for interviews, At the same time in the rear with hundreds of people editing power, real-time interaction before and after,
目的:对比前列地尔(凯时)注射液(Lipo PEG1)治疗方案治疗与常规方案治疗原发性肾小球肾炎(CGN)的疗效。方法:对照组18例采用常规方案治疗,治疗组32例采用前列地尔(凯时)注射液方案治疗