Does protracted antiviral therapy impact on HCV-related liver cirrhosis progression?

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moligu
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AIM: To study the outcomes of patients with compensated hepatitis C virus-related cirrhosis. METHODS: Twenty-four grade A5 and 11 grade A6 of Child-Pugh classification cirrhotic patients with active virus replication, treated for a mean period of 31.3 ± 5.1 mo with moderate doses of interferon-alpha and ribavirin, were compared to a cohort of 36 patients with similar characteristics, without antiviral treatment. Salivary caffeine concentration, a liver test of microsomal function, was determined at the starting and thrice in course of therapy after a mean period of 11 ± 1.6 mo, meanwhile the resistive index of splenic artery at ultra sound Doppler, an indirect index of portal hypertension, was only measured at the beginning and the end of study. RESULTS: Eight out of the 24 A5- (33.3%) and 5 out of the 11 A6- (45.45%) treated-cirrhotic patients showed a significant improvement in the total overnight salivary caffeine assessment. A reduction up to 20% of the resistive index of splenic artery was obtained in 3 out of the 8 A5- (37.5%) and in 2 out of the 5 A6- (40%) cirrhotic patients with an improved liver function, which showed a clear tendency to decrease at the end of therapy. The hepatitis C virus clearance was achieved in 3 out of the 24 (12.5%) A5- and 1 out of the 11 (0.091%) A6-patients after a median period of 8.5 mo combined therapy. In the cohort of non-treated cirrhotic patients, not only the considered parameters remained unchanged, but 3 patients (8.3%) had a worsening ofthe Child-Pugh score (P = 0.001).CONCLUSION: A prolonged antiviral therapy with moderate dosages of interferon-alpha and ribavirin shows a trend to stable liver function or to ameliorate the residual liver function, the entity of portal hypertension and the compensation status at acceptable costs. AIM: To study the outcomes of patients with compensated hepatitis C virus-related cirrhosis. METHODS: Twenty-four grade A5 and 11 grade A6 of Child-Pugh classification cirrhotic patients with active virus replication, treated for a mean period of 31.3 ± 5.1 mo with moderate doses of interferon-alpha and ribavirin, were compared to a cohort of 36 patients with similar characteristics, without antiviral treatment. Salivary caffeine concentration, a liver test of microsomal function, was determined at the starting and thrice in course of therapy after a mean: the mean period of 11 ± 1.6 mo, meanwhile the resistive index of splenic artery at ultra sound Doppler, an indirect index of portal hypertension, was only measured at the beginning and the end of study. RESULTS: Eight out of the 24 A5- (33.3 %) and 5 out of the 11 A6- (45.45%) treated-cirrhotic patients showed a significant improvement in the total overnight salivary caffeine assessment. A reduction up to 20% of the resistive index of splenic The artery was obtained in 3 out of the 8 A5- (37.5%) and in 2 out of the 5 A6- (40%) cirrhotic patients with an improved liver function, which showed a clear tendency to decrease at the end of therapy. The hepatitis C virus clearance was achieved in 3 out of 24 (12.5%) A5- and 1 out of 11 (0.091%) A6-patients after a median period of 8.5 months combined therapy. In the cohort of non-treated cirrhotic patients , not only the considered parameters remained unchanged, but 3 patients (8.3%) had a worsening of the Child-Pugh score (P = 0.001). CONCLUSION: A prolonged antiviral therapy with moderate dosages of interferon-alpha and ribavirin shows a trend to stable liver function or to ameliorate the residual liver function, the entity of portal hypertension and the compensation status at acceptable costs.
新研制的底火强度试验装置,在底火强度试验模拟技术的发展和应用,中其安全性、可靠性、维修性和通用性等多方面,大大超越了 WJ 2103—93的规定,并具有良好的应用与推广价值。
邓小平爱国主义思想的时代特征突出体现在四个方面: 一、用中国的历史教育青年,教育人民,大力弘扬爱国主义的光荣传统,不断增强全民族对伟大祖国无比热爱的自尊心、自信心和
例1 男性,45岁.2003年5月9日因小便失禁,双下肢无力,麻木2个月余入院.体检:神清语利,双侧瞳孔正常,颈软,脊柱无畸形,活动正常,L5棘突有压痛.双上肢肌力Ⅴ级,双下肢远端肌力左Ⅱ级右Ⅲ级,双侧小腿外侧、足背外侧痛温觉减弱,巴氏征(-).包虫血清免疫学试验(+).腰椎MRI示:骶管蛛网膜囊肿可能,累及L5椎体.入院后择期在全麻下行L5、S1椎管探查术+包块摘除术.术中完整摘除包块,为囊性,