英国国防部已将其 ASRAAM 导弹最低购买量削减百分之五十,还有百分之五十的数量足够装备计划购买的250架欧洲战斗机(EFA)。1991年8月,英国国防部曾要求工业界在最低导数数量为2015~4000这个范围,提出ASRAAM 导弹需求量和人员要求(空中)的初步意向。当英国国防部要求工业界给出最后最低报价,
The British Ministry of Defense has cut its minimum purchase of ASRAAM missiles by 50% and 50% enough to equip 250 Eurofighter (EFA) equipment planned to be purchased. In August 1991, the British Ministry of Defense had asked the industry to propose the initial intent of the ASRAAM missile demand and personnel requirements (in the air) in the range of the minimum derivative number of 2015 to 4000. When the British Ministry of Defense asked the industry to give the lowest last offer,