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页岩气具有储层致密低渗,自生自储式成藏的特点,美国页岩气的成功开发是油气领域的新突破。2011年,美国页岩气产量超过1700×108m3,天然气基本实现自给,在一定程度上改变了世界天然气的供应格局。按照天然气的成因类型,页岩气可划分为热成因和生物成因两类。重点分析Barnett热成因页岩气藏和Antrim生物成因页岩气藏的地质特征和开发特征。我国已完钻页岩气井51口,其中直井37口,水平井14口;直井压裂试气15口,水平井压裂试气4口,14口见气;南方海相页岩气、四川盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地陆相页岩气勘探取得突破。通过我国南方海相热成因页岩气地质特征的对比分析,认为我国页岩气藏具有特殊性,储层条件更为复杂,美国页岩气开发技术不能完全适应我国页岩气的开发需求。另外,我国松辽和鄂尔多斯等盆地广泛发育富有机质页岩,但成熟度普遍偏低,热成因页岩气前景有限,但生物成因页岩气具有良好的成藏条件,是页岩气勘探的重点方向。 Shale gas has the characteristics of tight reservoir, low permeability and self-generation accumulation. The successful exploitation of shale gas in the United States is a new breakthrough in oil and gas field. In 2011, shale gas production in the United States exceeded 1700 × 108m3. Natural gas basically achieved self-sufficiency, which changed the supply pattern of natural gas in the world to a certain extent. According to the genetic type of natural gas, shale gas can be divided into two types of thermal genesis and biological genesis. This paper focuses on the geological and developmental features of the Barnett thermogenic shale gas reservoir and Antrim biogenic shale gas reservoir. China has completed drilling shale gas wells 51, of which 37 vertical wells, horizontal wells 14; vertical well fracturing gas test 15, horizontal well test 4 gas fracturing, gas seepage 14; southern marine shale gas, Sichuan Breakthrough has been made in continental shale gas exploration in the basin and Ordos Basin. Through the comparative analysis of geothermal characteristics of shale gas in southern China, it is considered that the shale gas reservoirs in our country are special and the reservoir conditions are more complicated. The shale gas development technology in the United States can not fully meet the development needs of shale gas in China. In addition, the organic-rich shales are widely developed in the Songliao and Ordos basins, but the maturity is generally low, and the thermal-induced shale gas has a limited prospect. However, the biogenic shale gas has good reservoir forming conditions and is suitable for shale gas exploration Key directions.
法桐是优良的绿化观赏树种 ,一般采用插条或播种育苗进行定植或移栽培育大苗。生长较旺盛的苗木随着生长每个叶腋间都会长出侧芽形成侧枝 ,如不及时修枝就会满树长看侧枝如同