Preparation of Pt/K_2La_2Ti_3O_(10) and its photo-catalytic activity for hydrogen evolution from met

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdqbupt
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A layered perovskite-type oxide K2La2Ti3O10 was prepared with high-temperature solid-state reaction, and characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and ultraviolet-visible diffuse re-flectance spectroscopy (UV-Vis DRS). Platinum was loaded onto K2La2Ti3O10 as a co-catalyst with different methods. The dispersion of platinum on K2La2Ti3O10 was determined with HOT method. The photocatalytic activity of Pt/K2La2Ti3O10 was studied. This catalyst showed much higher activity in hydrogen evolution reaction than Ni/K2La2Ti3O10. The effects of different amounts of loaded platinum and several preparation methods were evaluated. The best achieved hydrogen evolution rate was 233.88 μmol·h?1 by Pt(2%)/K2La2Ti3O10. A possible band structure and mechanism were discussed based on the results. A layered perovskite-type oxide K2La2Ti3O10 was prepared with high-temperature solid-state reaction, and characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and ultraviolet-visible diffuse re-flectance spectroscopy (UV-Vis DRS). Platinum was loaded onto K2La2Ti3O10 as The dispersion of platinum on K2La2Ti3O10 was determined with HOT method. The photocatalytic activity of Pt / K2La2Ti3O10 was studied. This catalyst showed much higher activity in hydrogen evolution reaction than Ni / K2La2Ti3O10. The effects of different amounts of loaded platinum and several preparation methods were evaluated. The best hydrogen evolution rate was 233.88 μmol · h -1 by Pt (2%) / K2La2Ti3O10. A possible band structure and mechanism were discussed based on the results.
在地级威海市成立20周年之际,《中国城市经济》杂志社编辑了“威海建市20周年成就”专版,集中展示地级威海市成立20年来经济社会发展业绩,宣传威海市落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会取得的显著成绩。借此机会,我们谨代表中共威海市委、威海市人民政府向多年来关心、支持威海发展的各级领导、各界朋友表示衷心的感谢!  1987年,地级威海市成立之初,百业待举。20年来,在各级领导和各界朋友的关心支持下,在历届市委
美国半干旱地区多年平均降雨量为250—500毫米,但某年的降雨量则与多年平均降雨量有很大不同.局部地区最大年降雨量多达平均降雨量的200%,而最小年降雨量仅为年平均的50%. T
前言无机肥料在决定固氮程度方面的作用与水稻生产相关性已经明确。增加氮肥比例对固氮有不利影响也已被清楚地证明。由于含S无机肥和杀虫剂用量的增加,大 Preface The rol