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近年来,由于农村经济形势的全面好转,农民新建住宅日益增多。据不完全统计,1978、1979年全国农村建房4亿平方米、1980年建房5亿平方米、1981年达7亿平方米,在四年里,全国农村新建住宅达16亿平方米,约有2500万户农民住进了新房,大大超过了建国以来城乡住宅建设的总和。从全国来说,这仅仅是开始,今后还有近15000万农户需要改造和新建住宅,每年至少要建造6~7亿平方米才能满足要求,这样大的建设规模,是摆在城乡建设战线上的一项具有战略意义的重要任务。 目前农村建房突出的问题是建材问题。我国木材资源严重不足,所以农房建设结构材料必须走钢筋混凝土路子,发展各种混凝土农房构配件是多快好省地解决农村建筑材料的一条有效途径。近两年,农房预制钢筋混凝土构件的生产和使用有了较快的发展,据不完全统计,1980年全国生产了120万立方米农房预制混凝土构件,1981年增加到200万立方米,为国家节约了上百万立方米的木材。南方各省市在发展推广钢筋混凝土预制构件方面做了许多工作,积累了一些经验。江苏、浙江、四川、广东、安徽、上海等地,在六十年代就开始发展混凝土农房构件,并积极发展预应力冷拔丝混凝土构件的生产,近来又有了较快的发展。目前可以生产和供应各种规格的檩条、空心楼板、槽形板、门窗过梁、门窗框、楼梯踏步板、花格漏窗等构配件,质量好,价格便宜。近几年来,钢筋混凝土农房构件虽然有了较快的发展,但总的来看,发展时间短,用混凝土构件建农房的数量占农房建设总数的比例还很小,1981年还不到5%,而且农村除住房以外,村镇建设的发展也会广泛采用钢筋混凝土结构。因此,混凝土构件的生产还会有进一步的发展。 为了适应农房建设的需求,本刊拟从这期开始将陆续发表有关文章,供从事农房建设的有关技术人员参考;同时也希望各地将当地的好经验推荐给本刊,以便组织交流。 In recent years, due to the overall improvement of the rural economic situation, farmers have increasingly built new houses. According to incomplete statistics, in 1978 and 1979, 400 million square meters of rural houses were built in the country, and 500 million square meters were built in 1980 and 700 million square meters in 1981. In four years, the country’s rural new houses reached 1.6 billion square meters. About 25 million farmers lived in new houses, which greatly exceeded the total urban and rural housing construction since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. From the national point of view, this is only the beginning. In the future, nearly 150 million rural households will need to renovate and build new homes. At least 600-700 million square meters will be built each year to meet the requirements. This large-scale construction is on the urban and rural construction front. a strategically important mission. At present, the outstanding problem of building houses in rural areas is building materials. China’s timber resources are severely deficient, so construction materials for rural housing must go through reinforced concrete roads, and the development of various types of concrete housing components is an effective way to quickly solve rural building materials. In the past two years, the production and use of prefabricated reinforced concrete components in rural houses have developed rapidly. According to incomplete statistics, 1.2 million cubic meters of prefabricated concrete components for rural houses were produced in 1980 and increased to 2 million cubic meters in 1981. Save millions of cubic meters of wood for the country. The southern provinces and cities have done a lot of work in developing and promoting reinforced concrete precast elements, and have accumulated some experience. In Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Guangdong, Anhui, and Shanghai, in the 1960s, concrete housing components began to develop, and the production of prestressed cold-drawn concrete components was actively developed. Recently, there has been rapid development. At present, it can produce and supply various specifications of purlins, hollow floor slabs, trough panels, door and window lintels, door and window frames, stair treads, and window grilles, which are of good quality and low price. In recent years, despite the rapid development of reinforced concrete houses, overall development time is short. The proportion of rural houses built with concrete components to the total number of rural houses is still very small. To 5%, and in addition to housing in rural areas, the development of village and township construction will also use reinforced concrete structures. Therefore, there will be further development in the production of concrete components. In order to meet the needs of the construction of rural housing, the publication intends to publish related articles for the reference of relevant technical personnel engaged in the construction of rural houses from the beginning of this period. It also hopes that local governments will recommend local good experiences to this publication so as to organize exchanges.
阿达米卡·费伦茨(Ardamica Ferenc),斯洛伐克小说家、剧作家、文学翻译、记者,1941年11月30日出生在前捷克斯洛伐克的卢策内次市(Losonc),父母均为匈牙利裔,他的青少年时代
通过人工控温,室内模拟方法(-30℃冻结24 h,20℃融化24 h,作为一个周期,共设0,1,3,6,9次,5个冻融交替梯度,含水量分别为田间持水量的10%,40%,70%,100%,120%)对比研究了冻融交