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前些时候有朋友说他们现在已经在思考西方艺术家在思考的问题,已经和西方艺术家同步。这不由得使我回想起自改革开放以来我们的美术所走过的路,好象十几年之间演义出西方现代美术近百年的历史。它对于我们最大的意义是什么?它带领我们突破了占统治地位的苏联艺术对我们的影响和我们自己在文化上的教条,同时也打开了我们的眼界,使我们了解到西方今天的艺术。庆幸之余,我们会感到还有一些不足,好像觉得这些新艺术与我们还有距离,它好像高高在我们头上,而不是在我们中间,说的不是我们每个人的问题。 我认为文化背景对艺术的实践与发展具有重要的制约作用,任何一种艺术思潮与流派的产生,都不仅仅是一种技巧方法问题,而是人类文化形态变革的体现。我们的朋友不知在借鉴西方现代艺术时认真思考过西方现代的某种艺术流派或艺术样式产生之初是基于一个怎样的特定历史环境,它针对的是一个怎样的问题,而这一西方的艺术形式在中国扎根是否适合中国的情况,或中国产生这样的艺术是否具备条件?我曾看过一篇报导,讲德国当代艺术展在台湾展览和艺术家们座谈的情况。其中德国艺术家的一席话很有意思,他谈到:现代艺术中技术性的含量已经不大了,抄袭别人的艺术很容易,但没有意义;思考别人的问 Some time ago, a friend said that they are now thinking about the thinking of Western artists and have synchronized with Western artists. This can not help but remind me of the way our art has passed since the reform and opening up. It seems that more than a decade has given the history of Western modern art nearly a hundred years. What does it mean to us? It led us to break through the influence of the dominant Soviet art on us and our own cultural doctrines, and at the same time open our horizons so that we can understand the art of the West today. Fortunately, we feel there are still some shortcomings, as if feeling that these new art is still far away from us. It seems to be elevated above us, not among us, and it is not the question of all of us. I think that cultural background plays an important role in restricting the practice and development of art. Any kind of artistic trend of thought and genre generation is not just a matter of skill and method, but an embodiment of the transformation of human cultural form. Our friends do not know how to think carefully about Western modern art. What kind of particular historical environment was the beginning of a particular Western art genre or art style originated from? What kind of particular historical environment was it aimed at? What kind of problem was this western art? Is it true that the formality of taking root in China is suitable for China or is there a condition for such art in China? I have read a story about the talks with artists at the German Contemporary Art Exhibition in Taiwan. Among them, the German artist’s speech is very interesting. He said: The technical content of modern art is not that big. It is easy but not meaningful to copy someone else’s art.
近年来,我们在审理的各类民事案件中发现赡养案件逐年增多。我院1985年以来审结的此类案件共21件,占全部民事案件总数的4.9%。其中1985年审结的赡养案件占1.6 %;1986年审结的
第一,建立健全企业统计机构.每个企业都应设立综合统计机构或人员。一个合理的、健全的企业统计机构,有助于搞准基础统计数的准确性,提高基层统计工作人员的地位。 第二,明
各省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版局,中央、国家机关期刊管理部门,解放军总政治部宣传部新闻出版局: 近一段时间,一些期刊在封面上刊发党和国家领导人工作和生活的图片较多,包