Developing Learner Autonomy and Second Language Context

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:benxiaohai741
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  I. Introduction
  The limitation of time, sources, method facilitates both learner and teacher to come up with a way that learner can continue acquiring language after class. In other word, students are required to learn without guiding from either teacher or instructions in class. Many scholars, who devote themselves to second language teaching, keep working on exploring feasible ways to help learners with achieving lifelong learning. They discussed how to improve learners’ autonomy and implications that in class teaching contributes to learner autonomy. It provides many acceptable methods that could develop abilities of learning independency. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the path of reaching learner autonomy and the role of L2 context in autonomous learning with a learner’s perspective.
  II. Path to learning autonomy
  It is important to realize the function of subjective initiative in language learning. As John mentioned (2007:30), learner’s need in continuous learning is skills which can be convertible into self-instructed. The role of individual effort in lifelong learning is of the most importance. When the class is over, a student-centre situation comes into being, that is to say learners should take charge of their own learning (Holec 1981). Learning autonomy is also described as independent learning, flexible learning or student-centred learning. It is a ability for learner to take responsibility for their own study, including objectives, progress, content, method and techniques of learning (Macaro1997:167). Apparently, learners are expected to arrange their study activities with knowing what they want from it. It is true that teachers will teach you a great deal of knowledge in the class. The teaching activities are initiative and prepared thoroughly. However, it does not mean that teachers impart everything of a certain knowledge point and students can understand everything that teacher said. Such as in language class, teachers will tell you the main idea of one passage, and analyse the structures of the passage, instead of telling you how to know the main idea and structures from other passages. Because of lacking contact with different sorts of passages, even though students learn the method, they cannot change it into their own method. This purpose is not easy to reach by depending on the teaching time, but depending on your own endeavour after teaching. Given the individual’s role, arousing the awareness of cultivating self-learning ability should be put in the first place.   Achieving the goal of independence, student should take advantages of training in the class. The role of teacher and student can be shifted for the sake of encouraging student to be confident and initiative in learning. In traditional class, teachers don’t leave enough time and space for learners to develop their autonomy and put what they have learnt into practice. Lessons concentrate on teaching rather than acquiring possession of knowledge (Renandya
【摘要】在国际上,随着世界经济的发展,各国间的交流越来越密切。英语作为“国际第一语言”,被各个国家广泛应用。在学校,英语作为“三大主课”之一,也受到家长和老师的特别重视。因此,英语能力是每位学生必须掌握的基本能力。英语写作能力能综合的反映学生对英语各方面的掌握程度。此文就“高中英语写作能力提升策略”展开详细论述。  【关键词】高中英语 英语写作 听说读写 综合能力  一、英语写作能力的地位  听、
本文从保险监管的角度,结合全国、特别是江西车险费率市场改革存在的问题,探讨我国车险费率市场化改革背景下保险监管对策措施。  本文采用文献研究法和比较分析法等研究方法