
来源 :人民之声 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Vanix
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云安新县建设3年来,由于县委、县政府对办理省人大支持山区文化建设,抓紧改变山区群众文化生活贫乏落后状况议案高度重视和大力支持,县人大认真督促落实,使得山区文化建设落后的面貌不断改善,送戏下乡、送电影下乡、送科技下乡等一系列文化活动蓬勃开展,山区群众的业余文化生活变得丰富多彩,许多群众纷纷称赞省人大和县党委、人大、政府为群众做了一件 In the three years since the construction of Yunan Xinxian County, the county party committee and county government attach great importance and support to the provincial people’s congress in support of the mountain culture construction and pay close attention to changing the poor and backward cultural living conditions in the mountainous areas. The county people’s congress urged and implemented seriously, making the mountainous cultural construction backward A series of cultural activities such as sending films to the countryside, sending films to the countryside, sending science and technology to the countryside, etc. flourished. The amateur cultural life of the mountainous people became rich and colorful. Many people praised the provincial party committee, people’s congress and government Made a piece for the masses
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On Oct. 31, the China’ 99 Kunming International Horticultural Exposition was rounded off and the prize for “Special Contributions” was awarded to Shanxi. Her
著名作家木心曾经说过一句非常有名的话:“择友须三试——试之以酒,试之以财,试之以同逛博物馆。”堪称择友之秘籍宝典。   試之以酒。人们经常说,酒能乱性。生活中有不少人把自己伪装得严严实实,喝酒后,往往会卸下平日的面具。他们要么对自己取得的成绩大肆炫耀一番;要么痛哭流涕地诅咒怨恨自己怀才不遇。   相反,有些人喝酒时仍如平时谦谦君子状,或默然倾听,或淡淡地说上几句实在而中肯的话。这样的人谦和、真
文章介绍了我国答辩权性质认识之]变,分析了我国民事答辩制度所产生的诸多弊端,在肯定民事诉讼中被告的答辩仍为权利的基础上,为中国民事答辩制度完善提出几点思考。 This a
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