潮来万舸竞 风正扬帆时——贵阳市干部人事制度改革观察

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近年来,贵阳市按照中央和省委的精神,不断深化人事制度改革,在全市上下形成了面向基层、崇尚实干的用人导向,促进了选人用人公信度的提高和干部工作作风的转变,有力地推进了基层建设,经济社会得到快速发展。为进一步总结和展示贵阳市的成功探索和典型经验,省委组织部、省委政研室组成专题调研组,对贵阳市深化干部人事制度改革推动基层建设取得的成功经验进行专题调研,本刊现将调研成果予以刊发。 In recent years, in accordance with the spirit of the Central Government and the Provincial Party Committee, Guiyang City has been deepening the reform of the personnel system and has formed a people-oriented orientation that is oriented toward the grassroots and practicing hard work in the whole city, which has promoted the improvement of the credibility of the selection and employment and the transformation of the work style of cadres. Promote grass-roots construction, economic and social development has been rapid. In order to further summarize and demonstrate the successful exploration and typical experiences of Guiyang City, the special investigation team of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department and the Provincial Party Committee’s Political Department made a special survey on the successful experience of deepening the reform of the cadre and personnel system in Guiyang and promoting grassroots construction. Now the research results to be published.
目的 观察乙酰肝素酶对脓毒症肾小球内皮细胞糖萼的影响,并探讨其预防措施.方法 C57BL/6小鼠给予脂多糖(LPS)或肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)腹腔注射,1h后处死,镧示踪后透射电镜观察肾小球内皮细胞糖萼变化,Western印迹检测肾皮质的乙酰肝素酶蛋白表达;人肾小球内皮细胞用TNF-α作用1h,Western印迹检测乙酰肝素酶的活化蛋白变化.小鼠注射LPS同时给予肝素钠和肝素酶Ⅲ,电镜观察肾小
合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar),它相比较起传统意义上的以光学方式为主的遥感方式来说,是一种具有可以全天时全天候监测优势的主动式微波遥感技术,这样的特点可为人们