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按照马杏垣教授的意见,对变质岩区地质构造解析的基础工作应该是:结合地质填图进行详细的构造观察和构造制图,对各种构造要素的几何特征、力学性质及其相互关系进行全面的分析,从构造形变的发生、发展、复合、转化等继续不断的变化过程中去建立构造事件发展的序列和相应的古构造型式,以及构造形变与变质作用,岩浆活动和成矿过程的关系。对于这项工作,变形岩石的几何分析及其运动学解释无疑是根本性的。但是,作为特定热环境产物的变质岩层构造,其形成和演化总是紧密地同变质作用相联系。因之,在探讨岩层受力变形的同时,不能不考虑热力学条件对岩石变形习性的重大影响,以及随之而产生的岩石变质重建问题。我们这里讨论的形变相(Deformation facies)分析,正是把岩石变形环境产生的效应放到一个相当重要的地位。 According to Professor Ma Xingyuan’s opinion, the basic work of analyzing the geological structure of the metamorphic rock area should be: to conduct a detailed structural observation and tectonic mapping based on the geological mapping, comprehensively analyze the geometric characteristics, mechanical properties and their interrelationships of the various structural elements From the occurrence, development, compounding and transformation of tectonic deformation, we can establish the sequence of tectonic events and corresponding palaeostructure patterns, as well as the relationship between tectonic deformation and metamorphism, magmatism and mineralization. For this work, the geometric analysis of deformed rocks and their kinematic interpretation are undoubtedly fundamental. However, the formation and evolution of metamorphic rock formations, which are products of a particular thermal environment, are always closely linked to metamorphism. Therefore, while discussing the stress and deformation of rock strata, we can not but consider the significant influence of thermodynamic conditions on rock deformation habit and the consequent rock metamorphic reconstruction. The Deformation facies analysis we discuss here is exactly one of the most important effects of the effects of rock deformation.
北京的西边是石景山,石景山区有一支秧歌队,它的队长叫杨继琴 The west of Beijing is Shijingshan, Shijingshan District has a Yangko team, its captain called Yangji
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