Tunable dual-band infrared polarization filter based on a metal-dielectric-metal compound rectangula

来源 :ChineseOpticsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cupcome
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A tunable dual-band infrared polarization filter is proposed and investigated. Based on the perfect absorption characteristic of the metal-dielectric-metal sandwich structure, the reflection spectrum performs as a filter. The filter consists of three layers. The top layer is a compound metal nano-structure array comprised of rectangular strips. The middle and bottom layers are a dielectric spacer and metal film, respectively. The calculated results show that the filter properties are closely related to the polarization of the incident light. Different dual-band wavelengths are filtered while the incident light has different polarizations, which are parallel or vertical to the x axis. Moreover, it is found that the resonant wavelength strongly depends on the length of the rectangular strip (which causes the resonant effect) and is independent of other strips. Therefore, the filter wavelengths can be tuned freely by adjusting the length of the corresponding rectangular strip. In addition, the calculated results show that all of the intensities at the filter wavelengths are closed to zero, which implies that the filter exhibits good filtering performance.
基于微纳波导中的四波混频效应(FWM)可以实现相应的光逻辑功能,研究了在这类非线性波导中,信号噪声对四波混频效应的影响。针对通信系统中常见的高斯噪声,具体分析了在金属-介质-金属(MIM)结构的波导中,输入信号光分别受到幅度噪声、频率噪声、相位噪声以及加性噪声影响之后对四波混频效应的各种影响。结果表明,在相位噪声的平均功率增大到1.44以上时,基于四波混频所产生闲频光的归一化强度小于-40 dB,远低于无噪声时的-18 dB,非线性效率出现较大降低;而当信号光受其他噪声影响时,四波混频产生闲频光的强度与无
提出了一种制作收集光信息视角范围大、光信息利用效率高、具有良好抗外界应力及温度变化能力的曲面微透镜阵列的新方法。采用光刻离子交换工艺,通过对镀钛掩膜、光刻和离子交换等关键工艺的研究和严格控制,在球面玻璃基片上制作了六角形孔径平面微透镜阵列。制作的阵列单元透镜六角形边长0.173 mm,窗口间距0.200 mm,单片阵列上微透镜元2052个。测试表明,离子交换深度0.198 mm,阵列填充率达到98%,阵列成像性能优良,光学均匀性好,旋转椭球状的单元透镜区域折射率呈三维梯度变化,截距、数值孔径自中心向边缘渐
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为研究三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)光合作用生理指标与岩藻黄素含量之间的相关性,采用不同的发光二极管单色光质对三角褐指藻进行处理,测定岩藻黄素含量、光合作用相关生理参数和相关基因表达,并研究测定指标之间的相关性。研究结果表明:紫光可极显著地提高三角褐指藻岩藻黄素和叶绿素a的含量(P<0.01)。光合生理指标结果表明,红光可极显著地促进三角褐指藻藻细胞的Y(II)、