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灭幼脲是一类新型杀虫剂,属于第三代农药——激素型杀虫剂。目前我国生产的是灭幼脲1号和3号。哲盟农研所从1979年开始对灭幼脲引进试验,防治小麦二代粘虫效果显著,现已在全盟大面积推广。一、灭幼脲推广使用概况粘虫是哲盟粮食作物的主要害虫之一,危害作物主要有小麦、谷子、玉米、高粱。随着生产责任制的落实,耕作制度的改革,水肥条件充足,作物长势普遍良好,给粘虫的生长发育创造了适宜的生活条件。近几年来,哲盟二代粘虫年年发生,发生面积逐年增加,过去防 Chlorbenzuron is a new class of insecticides, belonging to the third generation of pesticides - hormone insecticides. At present, China is the production of biuret No. 1 and No. 3. Since 1985, the Institute of Agricultural Research of Zhejiang Province has introduced the test of mefloxacin to prevent and cure the second-generation armyworm in wheat. It has been widely promoted in the entire league. I. Overview of the promotion and use of chlorbenzuron Myzus persicae is one of the major pests of the food crops of the alliance of the People’s Republic of China and the major crops that are endangered are wheat, millet, corn and sorghum. With the implementation of the responsibility system for production, the reform of farming system, adequate water and fertilizer conditions and generally good crop conditions, the appropriate living conditions for the growth and development of armyworm have been created. In recent years, the second generation of the second generation of Mythimna separata atthe occurrence of armyworms occurred, the area increases year by year, the past prevention
已有8年未发唱片的万芳,终于在今年6月以全新专辑《我们不要伤心了》再次拨动大家的心弦。8月7日,万芳与微笑巴士乐团在广州开唱,揭开2010年荒岛音乐会巡演的序幕。 Wan Fan
上海市农科院植保所副研究员张家清等,在1985年3月至1987年8月,共查证苎麻的病原真菌11种,其中有6种即白卷担菌Helicobasidium albicans Saw.大孢齿根霉Olpitrichum macrosp
一、病案首页质量管理的意义 病案首页是病案信息最集中的核心部分,质量的好坏涉及各个科室工作指标和医院各项医疗统计数据的准确率,不仅影响医院的技术建设,还关系到医院