Observation of antiphase dynamics and harmonic resonance in a modulated dual-wavelength laser

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iceberg4ever
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We observe a nonlinear response of a dual-wavelength Nd:YAG laser when subjected to low-frequency periodic modulations of cavity losses. The modulation frequency is far from the relaxation oscillation frequency. The harmonic resonances of the two laser wavelengths associated with antiphase intensity oscillations are demonstrated and resonances up to the fourth order were observed. For relatively weak modulation, the intensity oscillation frequency of the laser is equal to the modulation frequency. Harmonic resonances occur under a stronger modulation. We find that more harmonic components appear when the modulation frequency is increased. Furthermore, with enhancing the modulation, the dominant frequency of the intensity oscillations of both wavelengths is shifted toward the higher-order harmonic frequency. We observe a nonlinear response of a dual-wavelength Nd: YAG laser when subjected to low-frequency periodic modulations of cavity losses. The modulation frequency is far from the relaxation oscillation frequency. The harmonic resonances of the two laser wavelengths associated with antiphase momentum oscillations are looking and resonances up to the fourth order were observed. For relatively weak modulation, the intensity oscillation frequency of the laser is equal to the modulation frequency. Harmonic resonances occur under a stronger modulation. is increased. Furthermore, with enhancing the modulation, the dominant frequency of the intensity oscillations of both wavelengths is shifted toward the higher-order harmonic frequency.
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