A Persistant Female Sculptor Zhu Naigang

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ZHU Naigang once said, “It is my ambition to construct a whole imaginative world.” To this day she continues to work, and has created miracles. Zhu Naigang was once an ordinary young girl. Then she began to attend art school and went to the sculpture studio. She wanted to study sculpture. Her thin figure was in sharp contrast to the heavy and powerful sculpture. Later, she entered the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts to study at the Sculpture Department. She graduated from the university with an excellent record, and continued her studies at the Artistic Design Department in Zhenjiang Vocational School in Jiangsu Province and Graduate’s Research Office in ZHU Naigang once said, “It is my ambition to construct a whole imaginative world. ” To this day she continues to work, and has created miracles. Zhu Naigang was once an ordinary young girl. Then she began to attend art school and She wanted to study sculpture. Her thin figure was in sharp contrast to the heavy and powerful sculpture. Later, she entered the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts to study at the Sculpture Department. She graduated from the university with an excellent record, and continued her studies at the Artistic Design Department in Zhenjiang Vocational School in Jiangsu Province and Graduate’s Research Office in
在秀美的凤凰山下,矗立着一座汉白玉纪念碑,那是中国人民对抗日民族英雄苗可秀的水恒的怀念。 矢志抗日 “九·一八“事变后,日军强占沈阳,东北大学遭到日军大肆搜捕、破坏,