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建筑能耗对全球二氧化碳排放贡献约为30%(IEA,2010)。政府间气候变化委员会第四次报告指出,通过有效设计新建建筑至少能节约75%以上的能耗(IPCC,2007)。我国正处在建设高峰期,每年新建全球一半的建筑。采用提前预防而非后期治理的方式,对于有效缓解大气污染,同时抑制未来温室气体锁定效应意义重大。尽管与此相关的技术和设计方案由来已久,然而由于各种制度及经济上的障碍,相关技术方案并未得到有效落实。作为目前最高效的建筑节能标准,被动房在欧盟尤其是德语区和北欧已得到广泛应用。近几年欧洲学术界对新能源环保技术推广的研究,通常从创新技术体系的角度来分析。国家战略转型期提倡创新和低碳规划,但对创新的认识,往往还停留在简单的投入-产出线性关系,认识到创新的产生和发展是一个动态的非线性过程,有助于我们系统了解技术发展背后的联动机制,从而制定相应的策略解决当前严峻的能源环境问题,以及应对“第三次工业革命”。该方法在发展中国家的应用尚有限,本文以被动房为例,从社会经济学的角度系统分析该技术在领先国家的发展过程,为我国制定有效节能建筑政策提供参考。 Building energy consumption contributes about 30% of the global carbon dioxide emissions (IEA, 2010). The fourth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that energy efficiency can be saved by at least 75% through the effective design of new buildings (IPCC, 2007). My country is at its peak of construction, building half the world’s buildings each year. Adopting prevention instead of post-treatment in advance is of great significance for effectively alleviating air pollution and curbing future greenhouse gas lock-in effects. Although technologies and design solutions related to this have a long history, due to various institutional and economic barriers, the relevant technical solutions have not been effectively implemented. As the most efficient building energy efficiency standards at present, passive houses have been widely used in the EU, especially in the German-speaking regions and in northern Europe. In recent years, European academia on the promotion of new energy and environmental technology research, usually from the perspective of innovative technology system analysis. In the national strategic transformation period, innovation and low-carbon planning are advocated. However, awareness of innovation often stays at the simple input-output linear relationship. Recognizing that the emergence and development of innovation is a dynamic nonlinear process that helps our system Understand the mechanism behind the technological development, and formulate corresponding strategies to solve the current severe energy and environmental problems and respond to the “Third Industrial Revolution.” The application of this method in developing countries is still limited. Taking passive house as an example, this paper systematically analyzes the development of this technology in the leading countries from the perspective of socio-economics and provides a reference for our country to formulate an effective energy-saving building policy.
The major difficulty in achieving good performance of industrial polymerization reactors lies in the lack of understanding of their nonlinear dynamics and the l