
来源 :岩石力学与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhz8668
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开展贯通结构面剪切荷载下应变能演化规律研究,有利于更好地理解岩体复杂的力学行为。以重庆武隆鸡尾山滑坡岩体结构面为例,综合利用三维激光扫描、红外热成像以及离散元数值模拟等技术,开展岩体结构面室内与数值试验,获取剪切破坏全过程应变能演化规律。研究结果显示:(1)贯通结构面剪切破坏时,能量集聚发生在岩体结构面表面,其中面向剪切方向的部位,能量集聚相对较多,证明这些部位在剪切破坏过程中起到主要抗剪作用;(2)贯通结构面上下盘接触部位在剪切破坏前,发生能量集聚现象,弹性应变能增加,当增加到能量极限时,接触部位岩体被剪断破坏,能量释放,应变能减小。并且不同部位的应变能演化规律不一样,结构面中部位置剪切破坏时上下盘可能发生多次摩擦,能量演化也交替出现集聚与释放现象;(3)红外热成像试验温度分布结果与数值模拟弹性应变能结果具有较好的一致性,说明数值模拟数据真实可靠。该研究成果对完善岩体不同荷载下的能量演化机制做出了一定贡献。 Studying the evolution law of strain energy under the shear load through the structural plane is helpful to understand the complicated mechanical behavior of the rock mass better. Taking the rocky structure face of Jushan Mountain landslide in Wulong, Chongqing as an example, this paper carried out indoor and numerical tests of rock mass structural plane using three-dimensional laser scanning, infrared thermal imaging and discrete element numerical simulation to obtain the strain energy evolution in the whole process of shear failure law. The results show that: (1) When the shear failure of the through-going structural plane occurs, the energy accumulation occurs on the surface of the rock mass structure. In the part facing the shear direction, the energy accumulation is relatively large, which proves that these parts play a role in the shear failure process (2) The energy accumulation occurs before the shear failure at the contact points between the upper and lower plates of the through structural plane, and the elastic strain energy increases. When the energy reaches the limit of energy, the rock mass at the contact part is damaged by shearing, energy release and strain Can be reduced. And the evolution law of strain energy in different parts is different. When the central part of the structural plane is damaged by shear, multiple friction may occur on the upper and lower plates, and the energy evolution alternately alternates and releases. (3) Results and Numerical Simulation of Temperature Distribution in Infrared Thermal Imaging Test The results of elastic strain energy have good consistency, which shows that the numerical simulation data are reliable. The research results have made certain contribution to improving the energy evolution mechanism under different loadings of rock mass.
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搜狐公司董事局主席兼首席执行官张朝阳(Charles Zhang)1986年毕业于北京清华大学物理系,同年考取李政道奖学金赴美留学。1993年底在美国麻省理工学院(MIT)获得博士学位,并继