中国入世推进亚太地区工业发展 WTO—中国与发展中国家的合作机遇

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随着中国即将加入世界贸易组织,中国及亚太地区其他国家的工业发展将面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。为了抓住机遇,迎接挑战,以提升亚太地区国家的工业竞争力,促进这一地区工业的持续发展,由上海市政府、国家经贸委、对外贸易经济合作部和联合国工业发展组织联合主办的“亚太工业发展论坛上海 2000”大会日前在上海国际会议中心召开。会上中外代表就中国入世和亚太地区工业的发展趋势和应对良策发表了一系列精彩演讲。本刊就中国入世与发展中国家的合作机遇、中国入世对亚太地区国家工业的影响以及上海工业现状和发展前景等三个层面选登了三篇演讲稿,供政府有关部门、专家学者、企业经营者和其他读者研究与参考。 With China’s imminent accession to the World Trade Organization, industrial development in China and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region will face unprecedented opportunities and challenges. In order to seize the opportunities and meet the challenges so as to enhance the industrial competitiveness of the countries in the Asia Pacific region and promote the sustainable development of the industries in the region, the Shanghai Municipal Government, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization jointly organized the “ Asia-Pacific Industrial Development Forum in Shanghai 2000 ”conference was held in Shanghai International Convention Center. At the meeting, Chinese and foreign delegates made a series of excellent speeches on the development trend of China’s accession into the WTO and the industrial development in the Asia Pacific region and its good policy. This journal publishes three speeches on the cooperation opportunities between China’s accession to the WTO and other developing countries, the impact of China’s accession to WTO on the industries in the Asia-Pacific region, and the status quo and development prospects of the industry in Shanghai for government departments, experts and scholars, and enterprises Managers and other readers research and reference.
利用指数富集配基的系统进化(SELEX)技术,以灭活的铜绿假单胞菌为靶标,从体外合成的96 nt随机ssDNA文库中筛选与铜绿假单胞菌特异结合的适体.在第12轮和第14轮与其它假单胞菌属