患者,女,28岁。因"受凉后发热、咽痛、咳嗽3 d于2014年1月12日就诊。院外未进行药物治疗。既往体健,无其他疾病,无药物、食物过敏史。T 37.9℃,P 91次/min,R19次/min,BP 105/70mmHg;体温最高达38.9℃;咽部充血,双肺呼吸音粗,双下肺可闻及干湿啰音,胸部X线检查显示双肺下段斑片状阴影;血常规检查:WBC 13.4×109·L-1,N76.2%;咽拭子检查提示:支原体阳性,少量生长。诊断为社区获得性肺炎。给予阿奇霉素注射液(江苏吴中医药集团有限公司苏州制药厂,规格:5 ml:0.5 g,批号:130712)0.5 g+5%葡萄糖注射液250 ml,缓慢静滴,30滴/min。15 min后,
Patient, female, 28 years old. Because of cold after the fever, sore throat, cough 3 d on January 12, 2014. No medical treatment outside the hospital. Past physical health, no other diseases, no drugs, food allergies. T 37.9 ℃, P 91 / min, R19 times / min, BP 105 / 70mmHg; body temperature up to 38.9 ℃; pharyngeal hyperemia, lung breath sounds coarse, double under the lung can be heard and wet and dry rales, chest X-ray examination showed lower lungs patch Like shadow; blood tests: WBC 13.4 × 109 · L-1, N76.2%; throat swab prompt: mycoplasma positive, a small amount of growth diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia given azithromycin injection (Jiangsu Wu Chinese Medicine Group Co., Ltd. Suzhou Pharmaceutical Factory, specifications: 5 ml: 0.5 g, batch number: 130712) 0.5 g + 5% glucose injection 250 ml slow intravenous infusion of 30 drops / min.