分流不离厂 转岗不下岗——平度市热电厂开发性分流安置富余职工的做法与启示

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平度市热电厂作为国家中型(一)企业,拥有职工667名,在实行减员增效的过程中,大力发展新的生产经营项目,着力创造新的工作岗位,走出了一条一业为主、多业并举,分流不离厂、转岗不下岗的“开发性安置”富余职工路子。目前全厂职工无一下岗,职工思想稳定,干群关系融洽,有力地促进了企业生产经营的发展。他们分流安置富余职工的成功实践,为我们提供了一些有益的启示。启示之一:企业领导有强烈的责任意识,有带领职工过好日子的敬业精神,是保证职工不下岗的关键所在。多年来,国有企业职工人浮于事,效率低下的问题日益突出。如何妥善解决好人多与工作岗位有限之间的矛盾,增加企业效益,不仅是职工议论的话题,更是摆在企业领导面前的最大难题。平度市热电厂同样面临着这一矛盾,受 As a national medium-sized enterprise, Pingdu Thermal Power Plant has 667 employees. During the process of reducing staff and improving efficiency, it vigorously develops new production and management projects, and strives to create new jobs. Industry concurrently, diverts the “developmental resettlement ” redundant employee’s way from the factory without leaving the factory. At present, there are no workers in the whole factory, the employees are ideologically stable, and the relations between cadres and masses are harmonious, which effectively promotes the development of the production and operation of enterprises. Their successful practice of diverting redundant employees has provided us with some useful inspiration. One of the revelations: Corporate leaders have a strong sense of responsibility, and have the professionalism to lead employees in good times. They are the key to ensuring that employees do not get laid off. Over the years, employees of state-owned enterprises have been overstaffed and the problem of inefficiency has become increasingly prominent. How to properly solve the contradiction between a good number of people and a limited number of jobs, and increase the efficiency of enterprises, is not only a topic for discussion by employees, but also the biggest problem facing business leaders. Pingdu Thermal Power Plant also faces this contradiction.
针对当前专武干部在管理、使用中存在不统一的问题,根据各地区实际,我们应切实采取措施,制定与武装工作相适应的管理体制,确保专武干部安心基层,献身武装事业。 According
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