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建于50年代初,座落在北京长安街南侧的纺织部办公大搂加固、加层、改建工程最近落成。这座曾被人们称作长安街长幅画卷上的一抹败笔,如今变为妙笔,以崭新的面貌,吸引着过往行人。败笔会使人扫兴,妙笔令画卷生辉。为了总结交流大楼加固、加层、改建工程设计的经验,《建筑学报》编辑部于7月2日召开座谈会,邀清在京专家参观座淡。会议由张祖刚主编主持。首先由建设单位及工程设计人分别介绍了设计情况,与会专家接着发言。一致共识这座大楼改建的成功点:在于建设单位,规划部门、设计、施工各方的精心策划,精心设计和精心施工,协同奋战;在于以最少的投资,取得较大的质量效益,使用效益,环境效益和社会效益;在于建筑风格上体现了“灰砖文化”的延续性,既考虑与古都特定环境风貌相协调,又力求表现自身的审美价值。同时,与会专家还强调指出:千万不可把大楼的改建经验,变成竟相模仿、照抄照搬的唯一模式,还是应百花齐放的好! 会上呼吁全国建筑师要进一步发挥自己的创作灵感,通过一座座危旧房的改扩建,使各地城市画卷上出现更多更美的妙笔,为祖国河山增光添彩!现将这两部分内容的发言,按会上发言顺序排列如后: Founded in the early 1950s, the office of the Ministry of Textiles, located on the south side of Chang’an Street in Beijing, recently completed the reinforcement, addition and reconstruction of the office building. This piece of what was once called Chang’an Street’s long picture scroll has now become a wonderful pen. It has a new look and attracts passers-by. Failure will make people unhappy, and the wonderful pen makes the picture brilliance. In order to summarize the experiences in the reinforcement, addition and reconstruction engineering design of the exchange building, the editorial board of the “Journal of Architecture” held a symposium on July 2 to invite Qing experts in Beijing to visit the seat. The meeting was chaired by Zhang Zugang. First of all, the construction unit and the project designer separately introduced the design situation. The participating experts then spoke. Unanimous consensus The success of this building reconstruction: lies in the construction unit, the careful planning of the planning department, the design and construction parties, the well-designed and meticulous construction, and the coordinated efforts; it is to obtain a greater quality and efficiency with the least investment. The environmental benefits and social benefits are reflected in the continuity of the “gray brick culture” in the architectural style, which not only considers the coordination with the specific environmental features of the ancient capitals, but also seeks to express its own aesthetic values. At the same time, the participating experts also pointed out: Do not change the building’s renovation experience into the only model that mimics or copy it, or should be a good thing! At the meeting, the national architects are called upon to further develop their creative inspiration. The renovation and expansion of a dilapidated building has brought more and more beautiful pens to the city’s picture scrolls, adding luster to the motherland and the mountains! The speeches of these two parts are now arranged as follows:
某厂一台13吨/时、15大气压日立出品的蒸汽锅炉,在 1946年冬季停炉时,因炉水未放尽而将中部水鼓冻裂,冻裂部位是接缝垫板处,全长 1142公厘,最宽处是100公厘。冻裂部分在1947
【正】 票据丧失指票据持票人丧失对票据的占有,包括绝对丧失和相对丧失.前者指票据的毁灭、被焚、毁损等;后者指票据的遗失、窃盗等,即票据非依占有人的意志而失去占有.票据