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2013年9月2日下午,省教科院根据党的群众路线教育实践活动计划安排,动员并部署以“四谈三问”为形式的“走亲连心”活动,要求全体党员干部和科研人员深入到一所学校蹲点,有针对性地围绕着某一方面的问题,与学生谈心,与教师谈心,与家长谈心,与校长谈心,通过“问难”(存在什么问题)、“问计”(有什么解决办法)和“问需”(需要上级领导或教科研部门什么帮助)了解基层的困难与诉求,并给予力所能及的指导与帮助。最后还要撰写一篇不少于2000字并保持原汁原味的调研报告。随后,9月3日至6日期间,全院21名干部职工分赴全省各地开展以“走亲连心”为主题的调研活动,在蹲点中,通过走访、座谈、问卷调查等,发现了一批基层学校反映强烈和急需解决的问题。全院形成7万多字的调研报告集,有的调研报告在《中国教育报》、《浙江日报》等报刊发表。在9月24日的全院职工会议上调研结果作大会交流。为充分展示我院此次“走亲连心”活动的实践进程和成效,本刊将陆续选取《调研报告集》中共同关注的“看点”予以刊登,本期我们刊登方展画院长9月3、4日亲赴金华宾虹小学的调研报告——《无书面作业:一所小学“转身”四年——浙江省金华市宾虹小学作业改革报告》。以飨读者。 On the afternoon of September 2, 2013, the Provincial Academy of Education of the People’s Republic of China, in accordance with the party’s mass line educational practice planning and arrangement, mobilized and deployed “walking with friends and relatives” in the form of “four talk and three questions” and demanded that all party members Cadres and researchers went deep into a school to spend more time, focused on a certain issue, talked with students, talked with teachers, talked with parents, talked with the principals, passed “questions” (what are the problems ) (“What is the solution”) and “what is needed” (what is needed for the superior leadership or the scientific research department) to understand the difficulties and aspirations of grass-roots units and to give guidance and assistance to the best of their ability. Finally, write a no less than 2,000 words and keep the original research report. Subsequently, from September 3 to 6, 21 cadres and workers of the hospital were sent to carry out research activities with the theme of “walking with friends and relatives” throughout the province. During their stay, through visits, seminars and questionnaires Found a group of grassroots schools that reflected strong and urgent problems to be solved. The hospital formed more than 70,000 words research report set, and some research reports in the “China Education Daily”, “Zhejiang Daily” and other newspapers published. In the September 24 meeting of the hospital staff survey results for the General Assembly to exchange views. In order to fully demonstrate the practical progress and achievements of our hospital in this activity, we will continue to select the “Aspect” in the “Research Report Collection” which is of common concern. Exhibition dean September 3, 4 went to Jinhua Binhong primary research report - “no written homework: a primary school ” turned “four years - Binh Duong Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province homework reform report.” To 飨 readers.
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