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《窦大娘私访》是—出说唱特征较强的叙述作小戏。作为二人转的一个分枝,叙述体拉场戏是有先例可循的(如《回杯记》、《梁赛金擀面》等)。这个小戏的语言和唱词、布局和结构,体现着作者继承二人转艺术传统所做的努力。更可贵的是,这个戏的主题很新,有着鲜明的时代特点。它通过致富了的专业户窦大娘为儿子亲事进城私访的过程,形象地阐明了党的富民政策得到贯彻落实,我国城乡人民的生活发生了和正在发生着深刻的变化。剧中四个人物虽然戏的分量有多有少,性格也各不相同,但有个共同的基调,那就是:热烈、明朗、活泼、向上。他们坚定地相信党的政 “Dou Douli private visit” is - a rap more narrative as a small drama. As a branch of the duo, there is a precedent for describing the bodybuilding scene (such as “Huiqianji”, “Liangsheng Jinmian”, etc.). The language and the lyrics, the layout and the structure of the show show the author’s efforts to inherit the duo’s artistic tradition. Even more valuable is the theme of this drama is very new, has a distinct characteristics of the times. Through the process of making private visits to the cities for private enrichment by professional Dou Douma, it vividly illustrates that the party’s policy of enriching the people has been implemented and that the lives of urban and rural residents in our country have undergone and are undergoing profound changes. Although the four characters in the play have more or less the same weight and different characters, they share a common tone: warm, clear, lively and progressive. They firmly believe in the party’s government
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面向市场经济 搞好园艺基点建设蔡主权(安徽省农科院合肥230031)十多年来,园艺所先后在全省各地建立基点共IO个。其中,果树基点多分布在淮北地区和沿江江南一带;蔬菜基点多分布在江淮之间
很多人认为电影《七月流火》中女广播员小方唱的歌是情歌,说是地下党领导的抗日募捐唱这种歌太不合适。真是这样吗? 这首歌开头的歌词是:栀子开花六瓣头,情哥约我黄昏后。光