协调部门关系 克服数出多门

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按现行报表制度规定,农业统计年报由统计部门与同级有关业务部门分工协作,共同完成.过去,我省统计部门在与有关业务部门分工协作上虽然做过一些协调工作,但因种种原因,始终存在着不少矛盾,数出多门的问题长期未能解决,致使农业统计数字质量受到影响。如林业生产年报中的“造林面积”,统计部门与林业部门每年都有不同程度的差别,全省16个地市州(含神农架林区)中有13个单位的造林面积数据不一致。因此,1987年和1988年连续两年受到国家统计局和林业部的查询。耕地面积年报中的“基建占地”、渔业生产年报中的“水产品总产量”、农业机械年报中的“农业机械总动力”等指标也都有类似情况发生。 According to the current reporting system, the annual statistical report of agriculture shall be completed by the department of statistics in coordination with the relevant business departments at the same level of division of labor. In the past, although the statistics department of our province did some coordination work with the relevant business departments on the division of labor and division of labor, for many reasons there are always many contradictions. The problem of counting multiple issues has long been unsolved and the quality of agricultural statistics has been affected influences. For example, the “afforestation area” in the annual report of forestry production varies from year to year in statistics department and forestry department. The data of afforestation area of ​​13 units in 16 cities and prefectures (including Shennongjia Forest Area) in the province are inconsistent. Therefore, in 1987 and 1988 for two consecutive years by the National Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Forestry inquiries. A similar situation occurred in such indicators as “infrastructure land occupation” in the annual report of cultivated land area, “total output of aquatic products” in the annual report of fishery production and “total agricultural machinery power” in the annual report of agricultural machinery.
进,指国际著名投资银行美国高盛集团低调地介入国内药品零售市场。 退,指药品零售领域的“先锋”——深圳海王星辰的董事长兼总经理朱丹默默地辞职。 从某种意义上说,是高盛
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