Study on the Way of Cultivating Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in English Teaching under the Mo

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  【Abstract】Starting from the characteristics of English as a subject and the advantages of “Students as the Main Body and teacher Oriented” teaching mode, this paper analyzes the way to cultivate students’ critical thinking ability in English Teaching under this mode.
  【Key words】English Teaching; Students as the Main Body and teacher Oriented; Critical Thinking Ability; Cultivation
  With the increase in the demand for talent in the society, the quality of talents is being paid more and more attention. The ability of critical thinking, as the most important factor in the comprehensive quality of talent, has become the focus and consensus of the educational circles at home and abroad. English, as a subject, is also a language, which is essential for thinking. At the same time, English, as a required course, runs through students’ whole process of learning, from the kindergarten to the University. So the cultivation of students’ critical thinking ability in English teaching has become a hot topic in the field of English teaching around the country.
  1. The Features of English as a Subject
  In schools and colleges in China, English as a subject, is a required course. Most teachers and teaching managers have been regarding it as just a subject. But actually, it is a language, a tool for expressing and communicating. It is the most original medium for thinking . This is the most essential feature that distinguishes English from any other subject. This characteristic determines that English Teaching plays an irreplaceable role in the cultivation of students’ critical thinking ability.
  2. The advantages of the Model of "Students as the Main Body and teacher Oriented"
  The most direct purpose of education is to teach students knowledge and to cultivate their abilities. Its final product is the student. The effectiveness of education depends on the final performance of the students to obtain objective evaluation. It is clear that the main body of the teaching process is the student. Teachers, as the initiators of knowledge and the cultivators of ability, their mission is to dominate the teaching process, inspire and guide students to learn independently, and control the exploration direction of students at the right time. For English teaching, the best model is "the student is the main body, the teacher is the dominant". Its biggest advantage is that, with the help of teachers, the students’ subjective initiative can be given full play, so that their questioning, thinking and analyzing abilities can be trained in a planned and directional way.   3. Way of Cultivating Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in English Teaching
  3.1 Adjust the teaching goals and contents.
  The traditional English teaching aims at the students’ memory of words and syntax, and their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. So the students, in the process of passive acceptance, give up their own reflection and exploration on the subject. Naturally, there appears the “absence of speculation”. Adjust the teaching goal, add the specific requirements of the thinking ability training, and adjust the teaching content according to this, so that it can adapt to the needs of critical thinking ability training. Convert the students from passive recipients to active explorers. In this way, teachers and students should be guided to adjust their key points and pay attention to the training of thinking ability.
  3.2 Reform the methods and means of teaching.
  The traditional teaching methods and means lack the necessary elements to stimulate students’ interest, so the class is rather boring. The teaching model of taking students as the main body, suitable for the needs of thinking ability training, needs to fully stimulate the initiative of the students. Therefore, in English teaching, teachers need to transform their role from “indoctrinator” to “inspirator”, and to pay enough attention to the fact whether the students’ enthusiasm for participation is stimulated as a standard of teaching evaluation. We must abandon the didactic teaching method that has been applied for many years. At the same time, we should use multimedia teaching equipment or other more vivid and realistic teaching methods as much as possible, and also allow foreign teachers to participate in classroom teaching. Change the forms of classroom teaching, such as the use of games, debates, field simulations and others, allowing students to virtually forget the rigid constraints of classroom and play their natural role, so as to change the boring situation of English teaching and stimulate students’ learning initiative to the greatest extent.
  3.3 Reconstruct the feedback evaluation system.
  The traditional education evaluation system emphasizes the students’ examination results, while the design of the examination paper focuses mainly on language ability and neglects the investigation of students’ thinking ability. This system of evaluation leads to students’ hard memory but abandoning thinking and questioning. If we want to make the evaluation system play a guiding role in the cultivation of students’ critical thinking ability, we must reconstruct a set of teaching effect feedback evaluation system and balance the proportion of language ability and critical thinking ability. Add ingredients that require students to think about, systematize the test pattern and substantiate the test methods. Then it is expected to effectively guide teachers and students to focus on the cultivation of critical thinking ability.   3.4 Improve the comprehensive quality of Teachers.
  The quality of teachers plays a key role in the cultivation of students’ thinking ability. The requirements for teachers’ to convert their function from “preaching” to “enlightening” put forward higher requirements for their own knowledge and ability. They should not only have sufficient reserve of professional knowledge, but also master the skills of inducing and related background knowledge. They need to be familiar with different teaching theories, master different teaching methods, learn to control their emotions in class, and enhance their ability to control the classroom. To train the students’ thinking ability in English teaching, teachers are required to improve their knowledge and ability system constantly.
  In English teaching, the development of students’ thinking ability is a very important element that marks the learning style in which students are regards as the main body, and embodies the students’ comprehensive ability. The cultivation of students’ ability of critical thinking has put forward more challenges to the English Teachers. Teachers should not only possess professional knowledge, but also remember cultivating students’ thinking ability as one of their teaching goals. They must assume their possibility and try their best to guide students to think about things from different dimensions, cultivating students’ thinking ability and improving students’ comprehensive quality.
  [3]刘晓民.论大学英语教学思辨能力培养模式构建[J].外语界,2013 (05).
【摘要】赛珍珠是美国历史上首位获得诺贝尔文学奖的女作家,《大地》是她的代表作,这部作品有力地改变了不少西方读者对中国的看法。而笔者发现,目前国内对《大地》的研究主要从作者本身,小说主题,人物形象等方面展开,鲜有学者从语言学,尤其是顺应论的视角来研究。因此,本文将运用顺应论来分析该小说中人物语言的选择是如何顺应其心理世界、物理世界和社交世界的。  【关键词】《大地》 ;顺应论;人物对话  【作者简介
【摘要】随着计算机网络技术和移动互联网的飞速发展和成熟,大学英语课程的信息化教学改革在全国各个高职院校中日益兴盛。文基于超星学习平台实现大学英语的机考改革,分别从英语机考的发展趋势和必要性,优势和不足以及建议对大学英语机考改革进行实践初探。  【关键词】超星学习通;大学英语;机考  【作者简介】王菁(1984.02-), 武汉工程职业技术学院公共外语教研室主任,讲师,研究生。  【基金项目】该论文
【摘要】大学英语教学中采用混合式教学法,将教学任务进行阶段任务划分,便于学生可以及时掌握英语知识,培养学生的独立意识和英语能力。根据英语学科内容,将教学内容进行有效规划,强化教学模式创新,促进混合式教学法在大学英语课堂中的有效渗透。  【关键词】大学英语;课堂教学;混合式教学;创新模式  【作者简介】刘睿雪(1983.01-),女,汉族,山西人,云南师范大学文理学院,大学本科,讲师,研究方向:英语
【摘要】我国中学英语课堂教学中还是以理论教学为主体,忽略了英语学科用来直接沟通和交流的工具性。听力作为英语交流时的重要能力,却在中学英语教学中没有足够重视,听力练习少、关注度不够,针对这些问题,教育各界人士都要分析原因,寻找对策,为中学英语听力教学寻找一条发展之路。  【关键词】中学英语;听力;教师;课堂  【作者简介】周随新,甘肃省岷县申都初级中学。  引言  我国目前虽然提倡素质化教育和学生的
【摘要】英语学习中听力水平的提高是一项重要而实用的技能,也是英语教学中,教师着力要突破的任务。只有听得懂才能进行沟通和表达,听力水平的提高关乎学生整体的英语实际应用能力,本文旨在通过一些方法和技巧的探讨,最终达到提高学生英语听力水平的目的。  【关键词】英语听力;方法技巧;精听;泛听  【作者简介】张文娟,刘欣,霍立静,石家庄信息工程职业学院。  【基金项目】本论文为“2019年河北省人力资源和社
【摘要】定语从句在整个高中阶段都是极其重要的语法知识,它有限定性和非限定性之分。高一年级的新生在初学时,对于两种形式的定语从句往往不能清楚地分辨、识别,使得他们在学习过程中逐渐滋生畏难心理,进而影响到今后的其他语法知识的学习。鉴于此,本文在此阐述几点有效辨识限定性和非限定定语从句的指导方法,旨在帮助高一学生高效地掌握定语从句的结构和用法。  【关键词】高一英语;限定性定语从句;非限定性定语从句;学