First, the tax system “low carbon” reform ideas In the low-carbon tax system, the carbon tax is the main taxes, the final improvement of low-carbon tax system should be marked by the establishment of carbon tax. Learn from the experience of developed countries, the tax system “low carbon ” reform can be used in two ways: First, the establishment of carbon tax for the purpose of the existing tax system to conduct a comprehensive reform; the second is to increase the tax-friendly low-carbon environmental protection function As a starting point, the current tax system for local adjustments. In view of the specific conditions of our country, we should choose the second path as the main idea of the reform of the tax system, because the subjective and objective conditions for levying a carbon tax in our country are not yet available. First of all, the process of industrialization and urbanization in our country has not yet been completed and development is still the first task. We still do not have the advanced workers in the post-industrialization stage