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  Racism refers to a variety of practices, beliefs, social relations, and phenomena that work to reproduce a racial hierarchy and social structure that yield superiority, power, and privilege for some, and discrimination and oppression for others. It can take several forms, including representational, ideological, discursive, interactional, institutional, structural, and systemic.
  Racism exists when ideas and assumptions about racial categories are used to justify and reproduce a racial hierarchy and racially structured society that unjustly limits access to resources, rights, and privileges on the basis of race. Racism also occurs when this kind of unjust social structure is produced by the failure to account for race and its historical and contemporary roles in society.
  Contrary to a dictionary definition, racism, as defined based on social science research and theory, is about much more than race-based prejudice—it exists when an imbalance in power and social status is generated by how we understand and act upon race.
  The 7 forms of racism
  Racism takes seven main forms, according to social science. Rarely does any one exist on its own. Instead, racism typically operates as a combination of at least two forms working together, simultaneously. Independently and together, these seven forms of racism work to reproduce racist ideas, racist interactions and behavior, racist practices and policies, and an overall racist social structure.
  Representational racism
  Depictions of racial stereotypes are common in popular culture and media, like the historical tendency to cast people of color as criminals and as victims of crime rather than in other roles, or as background characters rather than as leads in film and television. Also common are racial caricatures that are racist in their representations, like “mascots” for the Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, and the Washington Redskins1.
  The power of representational racism—or racism expressed in how racial groups are represented within popular culture—is that it encapsulates a whole range of racist ideas that imply inferiority, and often stupidity and untrustworthiness, in images that circulate society and permeate our culture. While those not directly harmed by representational racism might not take it seriously, the presence of such images and our interaction with them on a near-constant basis helps to keep alive the racist ideas attached to them.
  Ideological racism   Ideology is a word that sociologists use to refer to the world views, beliefs, and common-sense ways of thinking that are normal in a society or culture. So, ideological racism is a kind of racism that colors and manifests in those things. It refers to world views, beliefs, and common-sense ideas that are rooted in racial stereotypes and biases. A troubling example is the fact that many people in American society, regardless of their race, believe that white and light skinned people are more intelligent than dark-skinned people and superior in a variety of other ways.
  Historically, this particular form of ideological racism supported and justified the building of European colonial empires and U.S. imperialism through the unjust acquisition of land, people, and resources around the world. Today, some common ideological forms of racism include the belief that Black women are sexually promiscuous, that Latina women are “fiery” or “hot-tempered,” and that black men and boys are criminally oriented. This form of racism has a negative impact on people of color as a whole because it works to deny them access to and/or success within education and the professional world, and subjects them to heightened police surveillance, harassment, and violence, among other negative outcomes.
  Discursive racism
  Racism is often expressed linguistically, in the “discourse” we use to talk about the world and people in it. This kind of racism is expressed as racial slurs and hate speech, but also as code words that have racialized meanings embedded in them, like “ghetto,” “thug,” or “gangsta.” Just as representational racism communicates racist ideas through images, discursive racism communicates them through the actual words we use to describe people and places. Using words that rely on stereotypical racial differences to communicate explicit or implicit hierarchies perpetuates the racist inequalities that exist in society.
  Interactional racism
  Racism often takes an interactional form, which means it is expressed in how we interact with each other. For example, a white or Asian woman walking on a sidewalk may cross the street to avoid passing closely by a black or Latino man because she is implicitly biased to see these men as potential threats. When a person of color is verbally or physically assaulted because of their race, this is interactional racism. When a neighbor calls the police to report a break-in because they do not recognize their black neighbor, or when someone automatically assumes that a person of color is a low-level employee or an assistant, though they might be a manager, executive, or owner of a business, this is interactional racism. Hate crimes are the most extreme manifestation of this form of racism. Interactional racism causes stress, anxiety, and emotional and physical harm to people of color on a daily basis.   Institutional racism
  Racism takes institutional form in the ways that policies and laws are crafted and put into practice through society’s institutions, such as the decades-long set of policing and legal policies known as “The War on Drugs,” which has disproportionately targeted neighborhoods and communities that are composed predominantly of people of color. Other examples include New York City’s Stop-N-Frisk2 policy that overwhelmingly targets black and Latino males, the practice among real estate agents and mortgage lenders of not allowing people of color to own property in certain neighborhoods and that force them to accept less desirable mortgage rates, and educational tracking policies that funnel children of color into remedial classes3 and trades programs4. Institutional racism preserves and fuels the racial gaps in wealth, education, and social status, and serves to perpetuate white supremacy and privilege.
  Structural racism
  Structural racism refers to the ongoing, historical, and long-term reproduction of the racialized structure of our society through a combination of all of the above forms. Structural racism manifests in widespread racial segregation and stratification on the basis of education, income, and wealth, the recurrent displacement of people of color from neighborhoods that go through processes of gentrification5, and the overwhelming burden of environmental pollution borne by people of color given its proximity to their communities6. Structural racism results in large-scale, society-wide inequalities on the basis of race.
  Systemic racism
  Many sociologists describe racism in the U.S. as “systemic” because the country was founded on racist beliefs that created racist policies and practices, and because that legacy lives today in the racism that courses throughout the entirety of our social system. This means that racism was built into the very foundation of our society, and because of this, it has influenced the development of social institutions, laws, policies, beliefs, media representations, and behaviors and interactions, among many other things. By this definition, the system itself is racist, so effectively addressing racism requires a system-wide approach that leaves nothing unexamined.
  Racism in sum
  Sociologists observe a variety of styles or types of racism within these seven different forms. Some may be overtly racist, like the use of racial slurs or hate speech, or policies that intentionally discriminate against people on the basis of race. Others may be covert, kept to oneself, hidden from public view, or obscured by color-blind policies that purport to be race-neutral, though they have racist impacts. While something may not appear obviously racist at first glance, it may, in fact, prove to be racist when one examines the implications of it through a sociological lens. If it relies on stereotypical notions of race and reproduces a racially structured society, then it is racist.   Due to the sensitive nature of race as a topic of conversation in American society, some have come to think that simply noticing race, or identifying or describing someone using race, is racist. Sociologists do not agree with this. In fact, many sociologists, race scholars, and anti-racist activists emphasize the importance of recognizing and accounting for race and racism as necessary in the pursuit of social, economic, and political justice.
  制度种族主义表现在通过社会制度制定并落实政策与法律的方式中,例如耗时数十年制定治安及法律政策的“毒品战争”,它在很大程度上将矛头指向了主要由有色人种组成的街区和群体。其他的例子还包括纽约市明显针对黑人男性和拉美裔男性的“拦截搜身”政策,房地产中介和抵押贷款公司不允许有色人种在特定街区拥有住宅、强制其接受较高房贷利率的惯例,以及將有色人种的孩子编入差生补习班和职业学校的教育分流政策。制度种族主义会维持并加剧不同种族在财富、教育和社会地位上的差距,还会延续白人至上主义和白人特权。   结构种族主义
  1克利夫兰印第安人队和亚特兰大勇士队均为美国职业棒球大联盟的球队,前者的吉祥物为瓦荷酋长,后者的吉祥物原本是由真人扮演的印第安人霍默(Homer),近年已改为争议较小的毛绒怪物,但仍然手持象征原住民文化的红色战斧。华盛顿红皮队为美国职业橄榄球大联盟的球队,其吉祥物为红皮肤的印第安酋长;近日迫于美国种族矛盾激化,该队暂更名为华盛顿橄榄球队(Washington Football Team),并承诺将改变队徽及吉祥物。
  2自从1968年转折性的“特里诉俄亥俄州案”(Terry vs. Ohio)以来,美国警察便可以合法进行“拦截搜身”,即允许警察对街上的任何人进行拦截、盘查和搜身,只要他们能提供怀疑对方正在犯罪或将要实施犯罪的合理依据。2012年,纽约警察局因频频使用“拦截搜身”而受到审查。自此,该政策经历了数次修改。  3在欧美国家和日、韩等国,成绩较差的中学生在继续深造之前,会被要求进入“补习班”,弥补其数学、阅读、英语等基础学科的不足。  4指职业学校。
  5城市通过提供巨大的减税优惠等措施,来吸引开发商、高科技产业及创新阶层——包括艺术家、知识分子和受过大学教育的千禧一代,促使白人开始反向流动,从郊区迁往城市,导致城市住房成本上升、财富集中在少数人手中、贫富差距拉大。这一城市中产阶级化过程迫使部分人群转移到远离公共交通、就业机会、基础服务和优质学校的恶劣郊区。  6此处涉及环境种族主义(Environmental racism),指环境污染物与低收入或少数族裔社区间存在地理上的联系。数据表明,在美国有毒物场所越集中的地方,少数族裔的比例就越高。
最近支付宝这三个字的曝光率出奇地高,想必大家的朋友圈、亲友群都被红包短信给淹没了吧!还不是因为那个“20亿红包”的活动,想必大家都领到不少红包了吧,吃顿饭差点,买瓶水肯定没问题的。在很多人看来,支付宝=抢红包+付款缴费。如果你也这么认为,那就大错特错了。很多藏得很深的实用功能绝对让你大开眼界,原来支付宝还能这么玩。  码上挪车  现在出门不愿意开车的一个主要原因是停车难。实在没有车位,只能找个地方
新年将至,很多人选择买新笔记本,但也有一些是前年或去年入手,今年只是想单纯地升个级,让笔记本可以更高效更快速地满足新一年的工作学习和娱乐应用需求,但升级这个东西说起来似乎很容易,实际从哪入手,怎么入手却是一门大学问,今天就来跟大家简单分析一下思路吧。  内存大多不必担忧,有SSD加装空间应该填上  一般来说笔记本升级大家第一反应都是内存,但事实上对于2016年以及2017年的笔记本来说,8GB几乎
最近许多读者问煤炭股能不能买,董师傅的观点是现在进入的话最好短线。在1月份时,煤炭板块就表现得很强,板块整体上涨了12.16%,而同期上证指数涨幅为5.25%,其中山西焦化、兖州煤业和陕西煤业的涨幅分别达到34.36%、23.97%和23.16%,看看涨得最好的三只股票就明白1月份炒煤炭股炒的是业绩,那些2017年因为煤炭价格同比大幅上涨而出现业绩暴增的股票最受资金青睐。  到了2月,煤炭板块又开
2015年5月20日,网易对外宣布,一次性获得50多部古龙IP授权,要知道古龙一共就写了70多部书,而网易这一下就拿下七成。而这次开测的《楚留香》就看出网易接下来绝对会有很大的动作。言归正传,此次《楚留香》的测试可是吸引了很多媒体以及玩家的关注,也是网易手游PC版革命模式影响的游戏之一。  游戏一开测,小编就迫不及待地上手了!长期以来,玩家的第一印象都是游戏的画面效果,好游戏都是先看画面再说内容。
新年都未有芳华,二月初惊见草芽。白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。——韩愈《春雪》  立春后,天气渐渐没这么冷了,红梅花也早早地竞相“冲寒先喜笑东风”了。就在这个冬春交会之际,白雪和绿叶、红花的搭配映照出的独特美景,引得大诗人韩愈都写出了上面这首美不胜收的诗词。  看见这样的美景别说诗兴大发,我按快门的手也停不下来啊,怎么可能不拍照呢?你看,機智猫拍客专区已经有好多作品飞来啦!  想了解更多手机摄影
这里有最新的黑客研究成果,这里有黑客的最新“黑科技”,这里有权威解读,正所谓知己知彼方能百战不殆。要想全面抵御黑客的攻击,就必须知道黑客的最新动态。欢迎志同道合的朋友来投稿,投稿邮箱:285845949@qq.com。  近日,网上出现一批盗窃网易账号的钓鱼网站,为何黑客瞄准网易账号呢?有了网易账号就可以登录《梦幻西游》等网易旗下的游戏并洗劫游戏余额和装备,也可以登录网易一元购、网易严选等网购平台
金山立功,挖矿病毒惊现“吃鸡”官网  近日,有杀毒软件的安全实验室监测发现,“吃鸡”游戏官网十多个页面被植入门罗币挖矿病毒,玩家访问到这些页面时,计算机算力资源会被用来挖矿。如果玩家后台开着浏览器玩游戏,系统资源就会被全部用于挖矿,导致游戲卡顿,估计是吃不到鸡了。  金山毒霸安全专家指出,自2017年比特币行情火爆以来,各种虚拟币交易、挖矿异常活跃,客户端挖矿病毒和网站植入挖矿脚本病毒成为2017
说到手机性能,前一段时间的苹果降频门事件搞得人心惶惶,大家都希望自己的手机性能越来越好,没想竟有厂商主动削弱手机性能……  其实,就算苹果不去主动降频,现在的处理器也不会时时刻刻都处于100%的运行强度下。各种手机都带有电量和性能的管理工具,会在弱电以及负载不高的情況下,降低你的处理器频率。这本来不是坏事,但是问题就在于目前这类管理工具往往不是那么智能,在很多场合都不分青红皂白地去降低处理器的频率