Steroid hormones, including the presence of estrogen (E2), progesterone (Prog), deoxytestosterone (DHT), and corticosteroid (DEX) receptors, are found in human primary colon cancer. Of the 33 cases, 10 contained E2 receptors, 23 of which measured four receptors simultaneously, and 6 of them contained 3 receptors (DHT, Prog, E2). All 70% of tumors contain 1 or more receptors. Five of 22 patients were positive for DEX receptors. Many authors’ experimental results are cited for discussion. Although colon cancer and breast cancer are two sites of cancer, dietary characteristics may be a common factor. Dietary fat affects hormone production, and high fat and animal protein foods may increase. In stool and steroids in bile, intestinal bacteria can produce steroid estrogens from bile products. In addition, colon cancer may also be a hormone-dependent cancer.